This article covers Unit of Measure Conversions made using the new Smart Ops Purchased Item Record.

In Restaurant365, there are three Measure Types for Units of Measure (U of M):

  • Weight (Ounces, Pounds, etc.)
  • Volume (Fluid Ounces, Gallons etc.)
  • Each

Each created Purchased Item has an assigned Measure Type that is not editable. Purchased Items also must get assigned a Reporting U of M, which is the most common way that the Item is compared across multiple Locations. Click here to learn more about Units of Measure and Item Setup.

Unit of Measure Conversions are available to Items and Recipes whether they are Inventoried or not.  However, Unit of Measure Conversions are needed when an Item or Recipe needs to be referenced in any other Unit other than the Units allowed by the Measure Type (Weight, Volume, Each).  By converting one UofM to another and defining the equivalency between different Units of Measure, Restaurant365 can calculate all Units of Measure for those Measure Types.

When needed, Unit of Measurement Conversions can be created by toggling on 'Measurement Conversions.'

Determine if U of M Conversion is needed

To determine if a Measurement Conversion is needed, consider the Item's Measure Type. To view the Measure Type of an Item, see the Unit of Measure section of the Purchased Item Setting Tab (for Recipes, review the Recipe tab).

Now, compare the Measure Type to the Unit of Measure needed for the Item within R365 (Ingredient UofM, Reporting UofM,  Inventory UofM, Purchasing UofM, etc.). If the UofM needed does not match the Item's assigned Measure Type, a Conversion is needed.

  • Note: UofM selectors will be locked to a Purchased Item's Measure Type unless a Measurement Conversion is set up.

Measure Types are the same when:

  • Weight = Weight
  • Volume = Volume 
  • Each = Each


A Restaurant carries 5 Gallon Buckets of pickles in Inventory, but uses pickles in Recipes by the pound.

The pickles are bought in 5 Gallon buckets (Measure Type: Volume). The pickles are counted in Inventory per pickle (Each). The pickles are used in Recipes by pound (Weight). Because the Measure Types of different for each UofM needed, a Conversion is needed.

Using this Measurement Conversion, R365 is able to convert 1 5 GAL BKT to 20 LBS to 80 pickles. With the Measurement Conversion, this Restaurant can now set Weight, Volume, or Each UofMs for this Item when needed.

Additional Examples

NameInventory UofM UofMWt QtyWt UofMVol QtyVol UofMEach QtyEach UofM
PROD LemonLBCase - 144/CT40Gram

Flour AP
LBBag (50 LB)4.23oz-wt1Cup

Ground Patty
PattyCase - 40 LB8oz-wt

GROC Spice TurmericBottle
(6 oz-wt)
(6 oz-wt)

PROD Herb CilantroCTPack (4 CT)4oz-wt

GROC Pickle SlicesBucket
(5 Gallon)
(5 Gallon)

GROC Maraschino CherriesGallonGallon3.6KG1Gallon400Each