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My Workflows is the central hub for all of your pending, and future, workflow approvals. The contents of this page will be unique to each user that is part of a workflow hierarchy and will only display the transactions that fall within the user's jurisdiction for workflow approvals.

Workflow Admins can view and track the progress of approvals through the All Workflows tab to ensure that invoices, journal entries, and payment runs are approved swiftly.

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To open My Workflows, hover over your username in the top ribbon and select My Workflows, as shown below:

The page contains two tabs: My List and Upcoming. My List will contain all of your current workflows, while Upcoming provides a preview of workflows that will eventually appear in My List. Both tabs contain the same fields.

Note: Users with the following permission have access to the Upcoming tab:

  • Administration → Workflows→ Access Upcoming Tab

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Tabs in My Workflows

The tabs available on the My Workflows page depend on the user’s permissions and whether your organization uses Workforce.

  • My List - My List contains all current workflows that are assigned to the user.

  • Upcoming - Upcoming provides a preview of workflows that will appear in My List in the future. This tab is available to users with the following permission enabled: Administration → Workflows→ Access Upcoming Tab.

  • All Workflows - Workflow Admin users use this tab to monitor all workflows. This tab is available only to Workflow Admin users.

  • My Workforce List - This tab displays all current Workforce workflows that are assigned to the user. This tab is available only to users with Workforce enabled.

  • Workforce Workflows - Workflow Admin users use this tab to monitor all Workforce workflows. This tab is available only to Workflow Admin users with Workforce enabled.

Fields in My Workflows

The My Workflows window is comprised of two sections: the Snapshot Summary (A) and the Workflow sidesheet (B). The Snapshot Summary (A) provides the details of the transaction and the last workflow action to make quick decisions to approve, deny, or drill down into the entry. The Workflow sidesheet (B) is where users can review documents alongside the workflow queue. 

The workflow queue, which is a part of the Snapshot Summary, includes the following controls and columns:

TabsNavigate between the workflows tabs to see current workflows, future workflows, or all workflows for your organization.
  • My List - My List contains all current workflows that are assigned to the user.

  • Upcoming - Upcoming provides a preview of workflows that will appear in My List in the future. This tab is available to users with the following permission enabled: Administration → Workflows→ Access Upcoming Tab.

  • All Workflows - Workflow Admin users use this tab to monitor all workflows. This tab is available only to Workflow Admin users.

  • My Workforce List - This tab displays all current Workforce workflows that are assigned to the user. This tab is available only to users with Workforce enabled.

  • Workforce Workflows - Workflow Admin users use this tab to monitor all Workforce workflows. This tab is available only to Workflow Admin users with Workforce enabled.

ApproveApprove all selected workflows.
DenyDenies all selected workflows.
Table ViewsAllows the user to save the current view, edit the current view, or apply a previously saved view.
ColumnsOpens the column selector where users can select checkboxes for columns to show on the page or clear checkboxes to hide columns so that they can more easily see the information most relevant to their needs.
FilterOpens the Filter Columns dialog box, where users can filter workflows by the information that appears in the columns.
Select / ExpandDepending on the selected tab, the first column includes either checkboxes or expand icons. Select checkboxes to approve or deny multiple rows in bulk or use the expand icons to view more details at a glance. 
StatusView the status of the transaction workflow. Statuses include:
  • Pending Approval - This is the default status, which indicates that the transaction is awaiting approval.
  • Work Needed - The current approver (or approver of a higher level) set the status to Work Needed, or the transaction was denied at a higher level and has returned to the original approver.
  • Researching - The current approver (or approver of a higher level) set the status to Researching to indicate that more information is needed.
Inactivity AlertIf a workflow has not been approved or denied for two or more days, an alert icon appears in this column.
The alert is not affected by a Researching or Work Needed status.
NumberNumber assigned to the transaction. Select the link to view or edit the transaction in a pop-up window.
VendorVendor on the transaction.
AmountTotal amount on the transaction.
LocationLocation assigned to the transaction.
Invoice DateDate on the invoice.
GL DateDate on the transaction.
CommentAny comments entered on the transaction appear in this column.
IssueDisplays any issues on the attachment.
TypeTransaction type.  Current supported formats include:
  • AP Invoice
  • Journal Entry
  • Payment Run
AttAtt is short for Attachment. If any files were uploaded to the transaction, select the link in this column to view the file.
Current ApproverThe current approver in the workflow hierarchy. When on the My List tab, this value contains either your username, if you are the only approver, or the name of your Workflow Group.
Prior ApproverUsername of the user(s) who most recently took action on the transaction. Users who are a part of a Workflow Group are listed individually.
Prior ActionThe most recent action taken by the Prior Approver.
Prior Action OnDate when the Prior Action occurred.
Created ByUsername of the user who created the transaction.

The Workflow sidesheet displays the uploaded document. In this section, users can change the status of the document, approve or deny the workflow, and view a history of actions performed on the workflow. 

Document InformationThe left side of the header displays the document type, number, and file name.
StatusThis status drop-down displays the current status of the workflow and allows the user to change the status if conditions are met.
Approve / DenyThe user can select one of these buttons to approve or deny the workflow.
Show Activity / Hide ActivityOpens or closes the Activity pane.
Attachment ViewerDisplays the attached document, if available.
ActivityShows a history of all actions performed on the workflow and allows users to collaborate or add notes using the Comment field.

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Using My Workflows

There are several useful actions that you can take on the My Workflows page to more quickly process approvals.

Save, Edit, or Apply a Table View

See Working with Smart Grids.

Show or Hide Columns

See Working with Smart Grids.

Filter Workflows

See Working with Smart Grids.

Approve or Deny Transactions

See Approvals in Workflows.


Expand Quick Details

  • Select the expand arrow to the left of the checkbox to view the transaction details at a glance.

Note: For payment runs, Quick Details displays a list of included vendors, the total amount for each vendor, and the quantity of invoices selected for payment for each vendor.

Review / Modify Transaction Details

  1. Double-click the value in the Number column.
    The transaction opens in a new tab.
  2. Edit the transaction as needed.
  3. Save the transaction to update My Workflows.

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Review All Workflows

The All Workflows tab allows Workflow Admins to review and control rerouting. Use this page to track progress of approvals for the location. 

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