Export Vendor List From QuickBooks® Online
    • 05 Jun 2024
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    Export Vendor List From QuickBooks® Online

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    Article summary

    Transferring your Vendor List from QuickBooks to R365 is an easy process, but to also make it an efficient process, it is important to review and consolidate this list. 

    To make sure your Vendor List is clear of duplicates and obsolete Vendors, follow the steps below.

    Download Vendor List from QuickBooks Online

    Click 'Reports' in the left-hand navigation and run the 'Vendor Contact List' report.

    The report should look similar to the one in the image above. In the top, right-hand corner of the report, click the 'Export' icon and then the 'Export to Excel' button. This will download the report and allow you to save it to your desktop.

    Consolidate Vendor List

    It is important to make a consolidated, global list of all Vendors. Even though this list will be consolidated, all transactions will still be properly distributed from that Vendor to each Location.

    1. Open your downloaded file and delete Vendors that you do not currently do business with

    2.  Delete duplicate Vendors (this includes Vendors that may be spelled differently, but are the same entity). Click here to follow the steps needed to remove duplicate Vendors

    3.  Update any out-of-date information (addresses, phone numbers, etc.)

    4.  Reformat your file to this structure: Name (required), Check Name, Number (personalized), Phone, Email, Street1, Street2, City, State, Zip, Country/Region, Fax, Payment Terms, 1099 Company Name, 1099 Box, Default Expense Account, Vendor Group, Default Check Memo, Available to Managers, and Payment Method

      Only the Name of each Vendor is required, but including as much information from your QuickBooks Vendor List will benefit you when you fully transfer over to R365

    5.  Save your CSV file

    When in doubt, start a fresh Vendor List. Include the major, more frequent Vendors for now and then input new Vendors later on when necessary.

    Import Consolidated Vendor List into R365

    1.  Now in Restaurant365, open Setup Assistant and click 'Vendors' in the left listing. The first step is 'Vendor List'

    2.  Click the 'Import' button and browse to the file you consolidated. Clicking this will import your Vendor List from QuickBooks

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