When transactions are approved, they are marked as complete and more or less finalized in your system. There are numerous types of transactions in R365 that need approval:

Sometimes, when an error has been made, the mistake can be corrected by unapproving the transaction. In this case, it is important to ensure that the unapproval process is done correctly by first unapplying the transaction(s) where necessary (Bank Reconciliation, Invoice, ect.), saving the update, and then unapproving the transaction. This article reviews both the approval and unapproval processes.

Approving a Transaction

Regardless of the transaction type, All Transactions includes all transaction types, except for Daily Sales Summaries and their DSS Journal Entries. 

To open a transaction, select All Transactions from the Transactions section of the Accounting module. 

When the All Transactions page appears, double-click a row to open the transaction record.

Double-click the desired transaction to open it. Then, hover over the Approve menu in the transaction and select the desired approval option

Note: If the Approve button is not available, speak with your manager about granting the correct permissions to approve a transaction.

If your organization uses Workflows, click here to learn about the Workflow Approval Process.

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Unapproving a Transaction

At times, transactions must be unapproved to fix an error. While it is easy to unapprove a transaction, it is important to remember that transactions are often applied to multiple places in the system and must first be unapplied and saved before they are unapproved and edited. Therefore, it is important to know where the transaction has been applied in the system before unapproving.

After unapplying a transaction and saving the update, open the corresponding transaction, hover over the Unapprove menu, and select Unapprove. Make any necessary edits and save before approving the transaction once more.

Note: If the Unapprove button is not available, speak with your manager about granting the correct permissions to unapprove a transaction.

Click the following links below to learn more about the unapplying and/or the unapproval process(es):

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