This feature is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release.

The Item Transfers feature enables a more efficient creation and workflow of Item Transfers from the Sending Location to the Receiving Location. Item Transfer forms can be created on the fly or can be populated with custom-made Item Transfer Templates so that routine transfers are easier to record. The current status of a Transfer will be listed next to the Transfer form on the 'Transfers' tab so that both the Sending and Receiving Locations are aware of where the Item Transfer is in the Transfer Workflow. Users who have access to this page will only be able to see Transfer Templates and Transfer forms for the Locations that they have access to based on their User record. 

Once a Transfer form is created and saved, it will have a status of 'In Progress', which can be edited at any time by a user with the appropriate location access. The user will then send the Transfer form to the Receiving Location. This form will have the updated status of 'Pending' until the users from the Receiving Location mark the form as 'Completed' or 'Rejected'. Only users with approval access will be able to approve the form and complete the process. Click here to learn more about Transfer Status and Workflow.

Forms that are rejected or canceled are required to include a comment explaining the issues noted with the form. These comments will be recorded on the form for all Users at both the Sending and Receiving Locations to view.

Click here for a printable guide on Item Transfers.

Article Topics:


The Permissions listed here are associated with Item Transfers. These Permissions can be added to Custom User Roles or single Users. Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here.


Item Transfer Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Food
    • Item Transfer Templates
      • View Item Transfer Templates
      • Edit Item Transfer Templates  
      • Create Item Transfer Templates
      • Delete Item Transfer Templates
    • Item Transfers
      • View Item Transfers
      • View Item Transfer Distributions
      • Edit Item Transfer Detail Amounts
      • Edit Item Transfers
      • Create/Send Item Transfers
      • Complete Item Transfers
      • Cancel Item Transfers
      • Unlock Item Transfers
      • Reject Item Transfers
      • Approve Item Transfers
      • Unapprove Item Transfers
      • Delete Item Transfers


The Permission Access report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned.


Learn more about User Setup and Security here.

Additional Notes:

  • Item Transfers that are 'In Progress' or 'Rejected' can be deleted by anyone who has access to the Sending Location
  • The 'Unlock' button is only shown to Users with the ability to approve or unapprove Transfers
    • Note: User must have access to the Receiving Location to unlock Transfers

  • An Item Transfer's 'Each Amt' can only be updated on 'In Progress' or 'Rejected' Transfers
    • Note: Users must have access to both the Sending and Receiving Location to edit costs

Learn more about security access here.

Location Access

Visibility of transfers that have been completed or approved is determined by a user's access to the sending and/or receiving location.

  • Users with access to the sending location can view and access transfers that are in progress and rejected in the list view.
  • Users with access to the sending or receiving location can view and access transfers that are pending, completed, and approved  in the list view. 
  • Users with access to the receiving location can not view or access transfers that are in-progress or rejected.

All users with the appropriate user permissions can open transfer forms, regardless of their status. However, they may only edit or manager transfers for the locations that they have permission to access. 

Any transfer that a user does not have access to view will not appear in the transfers list.

To open the Transfers page, first navigate to Smart Ops. In the left navigation, click 'Transfers' under 'Food.' The Transfers page includes two tabs: the 'Transfers' tab and the 'Templates' tab. Both tabs have the same list functions.

List Functions

In addition to the list functions explained below, lists can also be filtered to display in ascending or descending order by clicking the column title. The list can then be further filtered after the initial sort by holding down the 'Shift' key on your keyboard and clicking any other column header.

1Search BarFilters the listing for the characters entered into the field.
2+CreateEnables the user to create a new transfer for transfer template.
3Table Views

Enables the user to create and edit saved views of this list. Simply click this icon and then either 'Save Current View' to save the new view or 'Edit Table Views' to edit the selected saved view. All saved views are listed above these two action buttons


Allows the user to create a filter for the table to filter the results to meet certain criteria.


Lists all of the columns available to display in the Item Transfers list. Check or uncheck a column name to include or exclude it, respectively, in the list. Columns can also be reorganized by dragging and dropping the desired column's rearrange iconwhere needed.

The available columns will vary based on the selected tab.

6Export Downloads the listed information into a .csv file.
7RefreshRefreshes the grid.

Create a Transfer Template

Transfer Templates can be created to make routine transfers an efficient process. Transfer Templates can also be edited and updated at any time to reflect the needs of your Organization. Click here to learn more about how to create a Transfer Template.

Create a Transfer

Item Transfers can be created on the fly to ensure that the transferring of specific items from one Location to another can be recorded in R365. Click here to learn how to create a Transfer.

Transfer Status and Workflow

Item Transfers have a set workflow that coincides with their transfer status. Click here to learn more about Transfer Status and Workflow for both the Sending and Receiving Locations.

Canceled and Rejected Transfers

Transfer forms can be canceled by the Sending Location or rejected by the Receiving Location for any reason. These reasons must be documented before the form can officially be sent back to the Sending Location for corrections. Click here to learn more about Canceled and Rejected Transfers.