This is a part of the Daily Sales feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release.

The Daily Sales Summary's (DSS) new layout provides the previous day's Sales and Labor data broken down into more comprehensible pieces for your Restaurant Managers to review and update. With enhanced widgets, Managers get a clear and visual sense of how successful operations were by comparing Actual Sales and Labor to Forecasted Sales and Labor for that day. 

Managers will then review the details of Labor Punches, Deposits, and necessary Transactions to ensure that these numbers directly compare to that entered on the POS. If certain numbers need to be corrected and/or the DSS needs to be re-imported, Managers can add a comment to the DSS and/or attach records to show the difference in numbers and the need for correction. Once completed, Users with the necessary security access can review, update, and approve the DSS.

Click here for a printable guide of the Daily Sales Summary form.


Open the DSS Record

To begin reviewing a Daily Sales Summary, navigate to the Daily Sales page and double-click the desired DSS record. This will open the DSS in a sidesheet where its details can be reviewed, edited, and saved.

Review each of the DSS sections before marking the DSS as 'Completed'. The Daily Sales Summary has three sections:

  • DSS Header
  • Review Steps Section
  • Additional Notes Section

Daily Sales Summary Header

The DSS Header includes the available functions of the DSS record. Users can save the changes made at any point and will return to the header to mark the DSS as 'Completed'.

  • Note: Ensure that only one User is updating a DSS record at a time to avoid accidental overwriting.

SaveSaves the changes made to the DSS. This button will remain disabled until an update has been made.
CompleteMarks the DSS as completed and locks out users from making any additional changes.

This button will remain disabled until all three steps are reviewed.

Note: Only users with the appropriate permissions can unlock a DSS for furhter updates to be made. 
Opens the help menu with support articles and R365 Academy videos. 
Full ScreenExpands the sidesheet to full screen. Clicking the icon again will return the sidesheet to its original size. 
CloseCloses the sidesheet without saving any of the changed made. 

Review Steps Section

The Review Steps section provides widgets that display key Sales, Labor, and Transaction metrics along with the details that make up each, which are polled from the POS at the end of each day. These details must be reviewed in order to mark the DSS as complete.

Net Sales

This widget displays the Total Net Sales along with the Total Guest Count for the day. The Total Guest Count can be manually edited. One of the following two symbols will also be displayed next to the Total Net Sales:

- This will be displayed when the Total Net Sales is greater than or equal to the Forecasted Sales for the day.

- This will be displayed when the Total Next Sales is less than the Forecasted Sales for the day.

Note: Hovering over the listed symbol will display the Forecasted Sales amount.

Total Labor

This widget displays the Total Labor Hours, Dollars, or Percent for the day. Users can update the type of metric reviewed via the metric selector, listed at the bottom of this widget. One of the following two symbols will also be displayed next to the Total Labor:

- This will be displayed when the Total Labor Hours, Dollars, or Percent is less than or equal to the Scheduled Labor for the day.

- This will be displayed when the Total Labor Hours, Dollars, or Percent is greater than the Scheduled Labor for the day.

Note: Hovering over the listed symbol will display the Forecasted Sales amount.

Total Deposit

This widget displays the Total Deposit and Over/Short amount for the day. Additionally, one of the following two symbols will also be displayed next to the Total Deposit:

- This will be displayed when the Over/Short amount is between -$5.00 and $5.00.

- This will be displayed when the Over/Short amount is outside the +/- $5.00 threshold.

LaborWhen clicked, this will display all Labor details for the day and enable Users to edit Employee punches as needed. Click here to learn more about the Labor step.

When clicked, this will display any Deposit values polled from the the POS and enable the User to create and enter in additional Deposit values. Click here to learn more about the Deposits step

Note: Up to 5 Deposits can be entered in this section. In addition to this, if Till Management is enabled for this Location, ensure to click 'Edit This Deposit' at the bottom of the Deposits step or navigate to the Till Management page to enter in Deposits

TransactionsWhen clicked, this enables the User to review all Sales Tickets that were marked as Comps, Promotions, Paid Outs, and House Accounts. Click here to learn more about the Transactions step.

Additional Notes Section

The Additional Notes section is a section where comments can be added to the DSS, files can be uploaded, and days can be tagged as outlier days for future forecasts. Enter any additional details that are relevant for this day in this section.


A box where Users can enter details about the Location's activity for the current day. Once a comment is entered, the User can select the daypart that corresponds with the activity noted.

Note: If the New Manager Log is enabled for your database, this will appear as a 'Log Entries' box instead. Clicking the 'Tell us something we should know...' field will open a new Log Entry modal where details can be entered for a selected Category and Location. Once an entry is made, it will appear below this field where other Users can view and leave comments.

AttachmentsA box where users can upload files that are valuable to include with this DSS.
Forecast TaggingA box where Users can select a reason for a drastic increase or decrease in Sales, such as a local sporting event or poor weather. Tagging Outlier Days will then be reflected in the Daily Forecasting window and can provide better assistance in future forecasting.

Note: In May 2024, the Add Tag and Edit Tag buttons were disabled to prepare for migration to Event Enhancements. During this time, users will be unable to create new or edit existing tags. However, until the migration, existing forecast tags can still be added from the DSS.

Mark as 'Completed'

When the DSS is complete, return to the header and click Complete. This will update the DSS status to 'Completed' and ready for approval while also locking out Restaurant Managers from making further edits.

Users with approval security access can then review and approve the DSS record.


If there are any deposit slips that have not yet been uploaded, users will be notified that there are deposit slips missing. Users will be asked to acknowledge the missing deposit slips or cancel the action.