When Smart Labor is enabled for your Organization, one of the key features you gain access to is Hourly Forecasting. Error messages may occur when you first access Hourly Forecasting if one of the following aspects are not set up beforehand:

  1.  Create Jobs. All Jobs that will be scheduled will need to be created for your Location. Click here to learn how to create Jobs.

  2.  Set up the Labor Matrix. The Labor Matrix is where you can set the number of Employees needed to work for a given Sales range. When a day's forecasted Sales is set, the system can then configure how many Employees are needed per hour. Click here to learn how to set up the Labor Matrix.

  3.  Complete the Daily Forecast. Each day's Sales forecast must be created before an Hourly Forecast can be made. Click here to learn how to create a Daily Forecast.

Once all three steps are completed, your Location will be ready to begin Hourly Forecasting!