Editing DSS Labor Punches

Hourly Payroll is brought into Workforce Payroll from the POS via Smart Ops.

When the Daily Sales Summary is imported each night from the POS, any edits made to punches for days between the current day and the last approved Payroll Journal Entry are also imported. These edits are applied to the appropriate DSS, and the Labor data for those days is updated. 

At the end of a Pay Period, the DSS Labor for the Pay Period should be reviewed and approved before it is imported into R365 Payroll. If errors are found, they can be addressed in one of the following ways:

If Punch Edits in R365 are enabled, the punch can be edited directly in the DSS. Learn more about R365 Punch Edits

If Punch Edits are enabled, punches must be edited in R365. Edits made in the POS will not be imported. 

  1. Correct all punches for the Pay Period in the POS
    Once all punches are correct in the POS: 

  2. Delete the most recent DSS for the Location

  3. Reimport the most recent DSS for the Location

Since reimporting the DSS will also import edits to punches for all days between the reimported DSS and the last approved Payroll Journal Entry, only the most recent DSS needs to be reimported. This process saves time, as only one reimport needs to be initiated.