This article covers the Recipes tab of the New Smart Ops Purchased Item Record.

If the purchased item is included on a recipe as an ingredient, that recipe will be listed here along with the recipe details. Users can click a specific recipe from the list to open the recipe record.

The recipes list allows users to view the following information:

RecipeThe name of the recipe that the item is associated with. 
Ingredient QtyThe number of units of the item required for the recipe.
Ingredient UofMThe unit of measure of the item in the recipe. 
Yield %This value is set to 100% by default but can be changed as needed.  An ingredient might use a 'Yield %' lower than 100% if some of the ingredient is wasted in the production of this recipe.
InstructionsA preview of the recipe instructions.
Table FunctionsUsing the table functions, Users can do the following:

  • - Search the List for specific Recipes
  • - Save/edit Table Views
  • - Export the table to a .csv file
  • - Filter Column information
  • - Rearrange table columns
  • Column Resizer - Hover over column borders, click, and drag to resize columns