This article reviews the vendor items tab within the Smart Ops Item page, a feature currently in beta.  To read about the classic vendor item grid, click here

From the vendor items tab, users can view, edit, link, and create vendor tems. Vendor items are associated directly with a single purchased item and represent the vendor-specific item record for the purposes of AP invoicing and purchase orders. Since a purchased item might be supplied by multiple vendors or in varied case sizes, multiple vendor items can be associated with a single purchased item.

If a vendor supplies the same item with different case packs or item numbers, multiple vendor items representing the different purchase UofMs / item numbers are required. 

The item number for the vendor item should match the vendor order guide and vendor invoices. The vendor item number is used as the lookup value for EDI AP Invoice Imports and order guide imports.

Note: The new vendor item grid is in beta. Please reach out to your CSM to learn more!

To read about the classic vendor item grid, click here



The permissions listed here are associated with vendor items. These Permissions can be added to Custom User Roles or single Users. Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here


Vendor Items are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Food
    • Vendor Items
      • View Vendor Items
      • Edit Vendor Items
      • Create Vendor Items
      • Delete Vendor Items

The Permission Access Report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned. 

Learn more about User Setup and Security here.

First, navigate to the Items page under the Food Admin category, then click the Vendor Items tab.

Vendor Items Grid

The vendor items grid displays all vendor item records. Clicking on a row will open the associated Vendor Item Record in the new vendor item record sidesheet. 

Quick Filters

The vendor items grid has two quick filters at the top of the grid:

Price Variance

Click the Price Variance filter to only display vendor items which have a current price variance or split price variance greater than the acceptable variance for the vendor item. Price Variances are calculated as the difference between the contract price and the previous price. 

Unlinked Items

Click the Unlinked Items filter to only display vendor items that are not linked to a purchased item. 

Linked purchased items are displayed in the Item column. This filter will only display vendor items where theLink Item button is displayed. Learn more about linking Vendor Items and Purchased Items here.

Grid Columns

The vendor items grid contains the following columns:

ItemThe linked Purchased Item that this vendor item will reference and update.
VendorThe Vendor that this vendor item is supplied by.
Vendor Item NameThe Vendor Item name as it appears on the vendor order guide / vendor invoices. This field is used for reference only.
Vendor Item NumberThe number of the vendor item.

This number should match the Vendor Order Guide and Vendor Invoices. The vendor item number is used as the lookup value for EDI AP Invoice Imports and Order Guide Imports.
Brand Item NumberThe identifying number given to the item. This field will only have a number when the vendor utilizes brand item numbers. 
UofMPurchase unit of measure for the vendor item. UofMs used for vendor items must be tagged as purchasing UofM.
  • Note: If this item is supplied by the same vendor using different case packs, multiple vendor items representing the different Purchase UofMs are required.
PriceThe current price of the vendor item.
Vendor Pack SizeThe pack size name provided by the vendor on order guides. This column is for reference only.
Contract PriceThe current expected price of the vendor item used for purchase ordersand vendor contract price verification. 
  • Note: The current Contract Price will replace the Previous Price each time the Contract Price is updated
Previous PriceThe previous contract price of the item. 
Primary Indicates if the vendor item is a Primary item for the vendor. Used in Purchase Orders to filter and populate orders.
VarianceThe difference between the Contract Price and the Previous Price.

Contract Expiration

The date that the Contract Price imported via an Order Guides Vendor Integration will expire.
Effective DateThe date that the Contract Price will be active for the vendor item.
  • Note: When the Contract Price is manually changed, either through the Vendor Item grid or Import Tool, the Effective Date will reflect the date of the update. When the Contract Price is imported via an Order Guides Vendor Integration, the Effective Date will match the Effective Date on the imported Order Guide.
Split UofMThe Split U of M for the vendor item used with EDI Iintegrations.
Split PriceThe current Split Price for the vendor item that is used in Vendor Contract Price Verification. The split price is the broken down price for each individual item that may be part of a casepack. 
Previous Split PriceThe previous split price. 
Split VarianceThe difference between the Split Contract Price and the Previous Split Price.
Split Contract Price The expected Split Contract Price for the Vendor Item that is used in Vendor Contract Price Verification.
Acceptable VarianceThe threshold of variance % between the Contract Price and the Actual Price found on AP Invoices that is acceptable. Used in Vendor Contract Price Verification.
Price SourceIndicates which method was used to update the Contract Price:
  • Invoice - The Vendor Item was created automatically as part of an EDI AP Invoice Import, and the Contract Price was set to the price on the Invoice.
  • User - Contract Price was updated manually by a User on the Vendor Item grid
  • Order Guide - Contract Price was updated via an Order Guide Vendor Integration 
  • Manual Import - Contract Price was updated via the Import tool
Created ByThe user that created the vendor item.
Created OnThe date that the vendor item was created.
Modified ByThe last user that modified the vendor item.
Modified OnThe last time that this vendor item was modified.

Bulk Edit

Selecting one or more Vendor Items will display the Bulk Edit Menu at the bottom of the screen. 


To edit the selected Vendor Items, click the pencil icon. This will open the Bulk Edit form, where the 'Acceptable Variance' and 'Primary' attribute can be edited.

Acceptable Variance




Important Note: While Vendor Items can be deleted through bulk edit, vendor items that have been utilized in the system should not be deleted. This tool should only be used to delete vendor items that have never been added to AP invoices or purchase orders. Discontinued vendor items should be retained for historical data purposes.


To delete the selected vendor items, click the trashcan icon. Deleting a vendor item will remove it from all corresponding order templates, shopping lists, and open purchase orders.

Creating New Vendor Item Records

To create a new vendor item record, click Vendor Item from the + Create drop-down menu.

Note: This only applies to users with the new vendor items beta feature. Creating a classic vendor item must be done from the classic vendor item grid

This will open a blank Vendor Item Record in a sidesheet. Learn more about Vendor Item Records here

The following fields must be completed before the vendor item record can be created:

  • Items
  • Vendor
  • Purchase Unit of Measure
  • Vendor Item Number

When the desired configurations are complete, click to create the vendor item record.  

Vendor Item Record Deletion


Once vendor item records are created and utilized in the system, it is recommended that they not be deleted

While the vendor item grid has a tool for deleting vendor items, this tool should only be used to delete vendor items that have never been added to AP invoices or purchase orders. Discontinued vendor items should be retained for historical data purposes.

Best Practice:
To discontinue a vendor item, confirm that the Primary setting is toggled off, and remove it from Order Templates and Shopping Lists.