This article is part of the Item Transfers feature and covers in-store transfer templates.

In-store item transfer templates can be created at any time to make routing transfers an easy process for operators to document. Saved templates are listed on the Templates tab of the Transfer page. Adding a template to an in-store transfer form will quickly autofill necessary fields for quicker transfer entry. 

This article coves the following topics:

Note: In-Store Transfers is in beta. Contact your CSM or R365 Support to learn how In-Store Transfer can enhance your R365 experience! 


The permissions listed here are associated with in-store ttemplates. These permissions can be added to custom user roles or single users. Learn more about managing permissions and custom user roles here.


In-store transfer templates permissions are found in the permission tree as follows:

  • Food
    • InStore Item Transfer Templates
      • View InStore Item Transfer Templates 
      • Edit InStore Item Transfer Templates 
      • Create InStore Item Transfer Templates  
      • Delete InStore Item Transfer Templates

The Permission Access report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these permissions assigned.


Learn more about user setup and security here.

To open a new in-store transfer template, first navigate to the Transfers page by clicking Transfers from under Food in the left navigation menu.

From any tab, click the +Create button and select Template, then In-Store. This will open a new in-store transfer template sidesheet.


In-Store Transfer Template

Enter the details for the Template, as described below. When completed, click 'Save' to add it to the Templates list. 

Template NameThe identifying name given to the template.
LocationThe store location associated with the transfer.
Template TypeWhether this template is an in-store template or a between-store template. This field is not editable. 
SearchSearches the list for entered keywords. 
+Bulk AddAdds multiple items to the list at one time. User can add by item category. 
Transfer Items List

The list of Items being Transferred in this Item Transfer. This table includes the following

  • Item - The name of the item being transferred.
  • Unit of Measure - The unit of measure of the item.
  • Quantity - The number of units of the item being transferred.
  • Each Amt - The cost of each unit of the item.
  • Total - The total cost of the quantity of the Item that will be transferred to the receiving account.
  • Transfer To - The receiving account.
  • Comment - Any necessary comments needed to describe the transfer.

+Add ItemAdds a single item to the Transfer Item list. 
SaveSaves the template to the templates list. This button will only be enabled when all required fields are completed.

Add Items

Once a Location is selected, the +Add Item and +Bulk Add buttons will be enabled. Users can begin adding transfer Items to the list.

Add a Single Item

To add a single item to the transfer, follow these steps:

  1. Click the +Add Item button.
  2. A line will appear where the item details can be entered. Some fields will require a manual edit while others will auto-populate based on the edit of other fields. The required fields include the following:
    • Item - Manually entered
    • Unit of Measure- Auto-populated based on the Item selected
      • Note: This field will only be editable if the Item has more than one UofM
    • Quantity - Manually entered
    • Each Amt - Auto-populated based on the current cost of the Item selected
    • Total - Auto-populated based on the Quantity Entered and Each Amt
    • Transfer To - Manually selected
    • Comment - Manually entered
  3. Once the necessary fields are entered, users can press the Enter key to finish entering Items or click +Add Item  to add another item.

Add Items in Bulk

Items can be added in bulk by item category by first clicking +Bulk Add button in the right corner of the Transfer Items grid.

In the box that appears, select the desired item category options. Then, click the Add # Items. All Items will then be added to the Transfer Items list. 

Delete Items

If an item was added in error or is no longer needed on the transfer form, delete the Item by clicking the checkbox to highlight the item(s). Then, click Delete.