This article is part of Item Transfer and covers voiding an approved in-store transfer.

Approved in-store transfers can be voided. Voiding an in-store transfer reverses the accounting transaction. The cost of the items(s) transferred will revert and be debited from the item(s) original cost account(s).

To void an approved transfer, users will need the following permission:

Food   InStore Item Transfer   Void InStore Item Transfers

Note: In-Store Transfers is in beta. Contact your CSM or R365 Support to learn how In-Store Transfers can enhance your R365 experience! 

Voiding an Approved Transfer

Only transfers with an 'Approved' status can be voided. To void the transfer, click Void at the top of the transfer form. 

Users will be prompted with a confirmation notice that requires a reason for voiding before continuing. The notice explains that voiding the Transfer will reverse and close out any associated accounting transactions and affect the P&L statement. 

Enter a reason for voiding the transfer, then click Void

Once voided, the transfer form will update to reflect the changes. The top of the transfer form will display the void reason, the user that voided the transfer, and the date it was voided. 

The transfer's status will also be updated to 'Voided' in the grid.