This article covers safe counts, an R365 feature that allows organizations to log and track cash counts. 

When enabled, users can create a safe count entry and enter the petty cash currently in the safe, the entering manager, and the receiving manager. When the cash totals are entered, the safe count form will calculate any over/short amounts. 

The over/short amount is calculated by comparing the actual total in the safe and the expected total in the safe. The over/short amount is the dollar amount over or short the actual total compared to the expected amount, which can be set by editing the safe count settings. 

Important Note: Safe Counts is not dependent on any other Cash Management features and entries are for tracking purposes only. The cash totals, including paid outs, paid ins, change orders, and any attachments or over/short calculations are not connected to any other feature in R365.

Article topics:


The permissions listed here are associated with Safe Counts. These permissions can be added to custom user roles or single users. Learn more about managing permissions and custom user roles here.

Safe Counts are found in the permission tree as follows:

  • Sales & Cash
    • Safe Counts
      • View Safe Counts
      • Edit Safe Counts
      • Create Safe Counts
      • Configure Safe Counts Settings

The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned.

Learn more about user setup and security here.

Safe Counts can be found on the Cash tab of Smart Ops.  In the left navigation menu, click Cash under Sales & Forecasting to open the Safe Counts page.

For users with both Till Management and Safe Counts enabled, the Safe Counts page will be found under the Safe Counts tab of the Cash page. 

  • Note: Although featured on the same left navigation tab, Till Management and Safe Counts are not connected in the system

Safe Counts 

The safe count grid is a log of all the safe count entries that have been created and saved in R365. 

SettingsClick to open and edit the safe count settings sidesheet. To learn more about editing safe count settings, click here
+CreateClick to create a new safe count.
Safe Counts ListThe list of all safe counts logged and saved. In each row, users can see the following information about each safe count entry:
  • Location - The location that the safe count is for
  • Record Number - The identifying number assigned to the safe count
  • Daypart - The daypart of the safe count 
  • Date - The date of the safe count
  • Entering Manager - The manager that entered the safe ount
  • Receiving Manager - The receiving manager that the safe count was passed off to 
  • Actual Total - The actual total of the count
  • Over/Short - The calculated over/short in the safe
  • Comments - The comments left on the safe count

Table FunctionsAs with all smart grids, from the safe counts grid, users can do the following:
  • - Search the list for specific keywords
  •  - Save/edit table views
  • - Filter column information
  •  - Rearrange table columns
  •  - Export the table to a .csv file
  •  - Refresh the table

Safe Count Settings

The total safe amount associated with a safe count entry is dependent on the safe count settings. Users can click the settings gear icon to open and edit the safe count settings. To learn more about safe count settings, click here. 

Entering a Safe Count

Users can click the +Create button to open a new safe count entry. To learn more about entering a safe count, click here.