This article is part of R365 Intelligence and covers dashboard subscriptions.

From the Dashboard Action Menu, users can set up subscriptions for a dashboard. Dashboard subscriptions can be set up to send daily, weekly, or monthly to selected users. When a dashboard subscription is set up, the report will send to the selected users at the specified time. 

Only users with the following permissions can create Dashboard Subscriptions:

Reporting → Intelligence → Share Content

Reporting → Intelligence → Publish Content


To navigate to the Subscriptions page, click the dashboard subscription manager icon from the Dashboards page.

Users will be navigated to the Subscriptions page, which will list all created dashboard report subscriptions, both active and inactive. 

Subscriptions Grid

Users can view and manage dashboard subscriptions from the Dashboard Subscription page. From this page, users can create and manage existing Subscriptions. 

Subscriptions Grid Columns

On the Subscriptions grid users may see the following columns of information:

StatusWhether the report subscription is active or inactive.  Only active subscriptions are being sent on their scheduled day(s)/time. Inactive Subscriptions do not send.
Subscription NameThe name given to the dashboard subscription.
DashboardThe dashboard that the subscription is for. This is the dashboard that is sent on the scheduled day(s)/time.
RecipientsThe users that receive the report.
SubjectThe subject line of the email with the dashboard subscription.
Last SentThe day and time that this dashboard was last sent.
Next ScheduledThe next time that the dashboard subscription is meant to be sent.  
Created OnThe date that the subscription was created.  
Modified ONThe last date that the subscription was modified.

Create a Dashboard Subscription

Setting up a dashboard subscription can be done in two ways:

  • From the dashboard action menu
  • From the +Add button on the dashboard Subscriptions page

From the Dashboard Action Menu

To create a dashboard subscription from the action menu, locate the dashboard that needs to be sent out. Then, open the dashboard action menu by clicking the menu icon and click Schedule report send.

From the Dashboard Subscriptions Page

From the Subscriptions page, click the +Add button. 

Creating a new dashboard subscription will open the Add Intelligence Email Subscription form. From here, users can continue subscription setup.

Dashboard Subscription Setup

Active ToggleWhen toggled on, this subscription will be active and sent out on the day(s) it is scheduled to send. When toggled off, the subscription will not send.
DashboardDashboard that is going to be sent.

When the subscription setup is open from the +Add button on the Subscriptions page, users will be able to select a dashboard from the dashboards that they have access to. If setup is opened from the dashboard action menu, the dashboard will already be selected, and this field cannot be edited. 
Subscription NameName given to the subscription created. 
FrequencyHow often the report is sent. Frequency options will vary depending on the selection. Here, users can select from the following options:
  • Daily - The dashboard will send every day. Users can select whether this is every weekday or every day of the week.

  • Weekly - The dashboard will send each week on the day or days selected.

  • Monthly - The dashboard will send each month on the calendar day (ex. 1, 6, 28) or designated day (ex. 1st Sunday of the month).

Start DateDate that the dashboard subscription will officially activate.
Send TimeTime that the dashboard report email will send to recipients.
Time ZoneDashboard report will send at the designated time based on the selected time zone.
RecipientsSelected users that will receive the dashboard report. The user creating the subscription can add themselves and/or others to receive the report to the dashboard report email.
SubjectSubject line when the dashboard report email is sent to the recipients. Users can choose from the following:
  • R365 Default - When selected, the subject line will read: Automatic Send: [Dashboard Name] 
  • Custom - When selected, users can type in their own subject line 

Export TypeWhether the dashboard report is sent as a PDF or an Excel file.

Edit an Existing Dashboard Subscription

To edit a dashboard subscription, double-click the subscription from the list on the Subscriptions page. This will open the subscription editor in a sidesheet. 

Edit the subscription as necessary, then, click the Save button at the top of the form to save any changes. 

Subscription Action Menus

The dashboard Subscriptions page has two action menus accessible to users. One menu can be opened by clicking the menu icon from a subscription listing on the grid. The bulk edit action menu can be opened by checking the checkbox beside the subscription on the list.

By clicking the menu icon, users can do the following:

DeleteDeletes the subscription. When deleted, the subscription will be removed from the list. 
Activate/DeactivateChanges the active status of the dashboard subscription. When the selected subscription is inactive, the menu will have the Activate option. When the subscription is active, the menu will have the Deactivate option.
DuplicateCreates a copy of the dashboard subscription with the same settings. The duplicate subscription will be created with a status of Inactive. The subscription will have to be activated. 

Checkbox Selection

From the enabled bulk edit menu, users can do the following to one or multiple subscriptions at one time:

Send NowSends the selected dashboard subscription(s) in the present moment. Users will be asked to confirm whether they wish to send the subscription 'now.'

ActivateActivates the selected dashboard subscription(s). 
DeactivateDeactivates the selected dashboard subscription(s). 
DeleteDeletes the selected dashboard subscription(s). 

Delete vs. Deactivate

Users should delete a dashboard subscription if it is no longer needed, nor will it be necessary in the future. Deleting a subscription will remove all settings and remove the subscription from the list. 

When a dashboard subscription is deactivated, the subscription will remain on the list with a status of 'Inactive.' All subscription settings will remain the same, but the dashboard report will not be sent. Deactivated subscriptions can be reactivated at any time.