This article reviews the Tip Automation page, which is the main page for Tip Automation

The Tip Automation page is where pending and approved tip distributions can be viewed. This page displays a tip distribution for each tip automation rule per date range of the associated DSS. Here, Users can navigate to Tip Distribution Details and tip automation rules, as well as export tip distributions.

Note: Tip Automation is only available for early adopters. Contact your CSM or R365 Support to learn how Tip Automation can enhance your R365 experience!

Article Topics

First, navigate to Smart Ops

In the left navigation menu, click 'Tip Automation' under 'Labor' to open the Tip Automation page.


The permissions listed here are associated with Tip Automation page. These permissions can be added to custom user roles or single users. Learn more about managing permissions and custom user roles here

Labor → Tip Automation → 

  • Approve Distributions

  • Configure Rules

The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. Learn more about user setup and security here.

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Tip Automation Page

For documentation purposes, this page has been broken into the following sections:

A) Header - Page information and action buttons

B) Tip Distributions - List of all pending (unapproved) or approved tip distributions for all tip automation rules


LocationLocation associated with tip distributions and tip automation rules
  • Note: Only employees who have worked hours at this Location will be included in tip distributions
Settings ButtonClick to open the Tip Automation Rules sidesheet
Last POS Import TimestampDate and time of the last DSS import from the POS for the displayed location.
Next POS Import EstimateEstimated date and time the DSS will be imported from the POS for the displayed location. Estimate is generated based on the average import times over the last seven days.  
Collected Tips Week SelectorWeek that collected tips are displayed for:
  • Previous - Click the left chevron icon  to display the previous week
  • Week - Click the week title to open the calendar picker, then select the desired week
  • Next - Click the right chevron icon to display the next week
Collected Tips TotalsTotals of collected tips, as reported in the POS for the displayed date. Includes totals for:
  • Cash - Tips paid in cash and declared
  • Card - Tips paid with a credit or debit card
Average Tip Percentage Week SelectorWeek that average tip percentages are displayed for: 
  • Previous - Click the left chevron icon to display the previous week
  • Week - Click the week title to open the calendar picker, then select the desired week
  • Next - Click the right chevron icon to display the next week
Average Tip Percentage TotalsTotals for the average of employee tip percentages of net sales for the displayed date. Includes totals for:
  • Cash - Percentage of net sales for tips paid in cash and declared
  • Card - Percentage of net sales for tips paid with a credit or debit card

Tip Distributions

Pending TabDisplays all unapproved tip distributions that have been calculated.
Approved TabDisplays all approved tip distributions.
SearchSearch the Date, Tip Automation Rule, and Frequency columns for the entered text.
FilterFilters the list of tip distributions by frequency.
Tip DistributionTip distribution for a specific date range and tip automation rule. Click to open the Tip Distributions Details page. 
Export ButtonClick to download the associated Tip Distribution Export.

Note: An error iconis displayed if the calculated distribution is empty.
View ButtonClick to view, approve, or unapprove the Tip Distribution Details

Tip Distributions Columns

Column TitleDescription
DateDate range for the tip distribution.
Tip Automation RuleTip automation rule used to calculate the tip distribution.
Last CalculatedDate and time that the tip distribution was calculated.
FrequencyCalculation frequency for the associated tip automation rule; daily or weekly.

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