This article reviews the Tip Distribution Details page within Tip Automation. Here, users can view tip distribution totals by employee, and approve or unapprove the displayed tip distribution. 

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The Tip Distributions Details page for an associated tip distribution is opened by clicking 'View' in the 'Pending' or 'Approved' Tip Distribution tabs on the 'Tip Automation' page.

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Tip Distribution Details Page

For documentation purposes, the Tip Distribution Details page has been broken into the following sections:

A) Header - Page information and action buttons

B) Contributors Table - List of employees who have contributed to the tip distribution

C) Receivers Table - List of employees who will receive distributed tips

Back ButtonClick to return to the Tip Automation page.
Tip Automation RuleTip automation rule used to calculate the tip distribution.
Rule DescriptionThe user-entered description for the tip automation rule.
LocationLocation associated with the tip distribution. Only employees with worked hours at the displayed location will be included in the tip distribution.
DateDate range of the associated DSS that includes the tip distribution.
Time Range
Time range of the tip automation rule. Only sales and tips from these hours are included in the distribution. 
Last Calculated TimestampDate and time the tip distribution was calculated.
Approve/Unapprove ButtonApprove - Shown for unapproved tip distributions. Click to approve the tip distribution.

Unapprove - Shown for approved tip distributions. Click to unapprove the tip distribution.

Learn more about approving and unapproving tip distributions here

Contributors Table

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Export to ExcelClick to download the Tip Distributions Export for contributing employees as a .csv file
Contributing EmployeeEmployee who worked a contributing job
Contribution TotalsTotals for all contributing employees

Contributors Columns

Column TitleDescription
NameContributing employee's name.
JobContributing employee's job associated with the contributed tips.
Net SalesNet sales associated with the employee during the hours associated with the tip automation rule.
Declared TipsCash tips not associated with a sales ticket and declared by the employee during the hours associated with the tip automation rule.
POS Cash TipsTips received by the employee on sales tickets tendered to cash during the hours associated with the tip automation rule.
POS Card TipsTips received by the employee on sales tickets tendered to credit or debit card during the hours associated with the tip automation rule.
Total TipsTotal tips used for the distribution.

The tip automation rule 'Declared tips paid with payroll' setting has the following impacts on Total Tips:

If the 'Declared tips paid with payroll' setting is enabled, this amount will be:

POS Cash Tips + POS Card Tips+ Declared Tips

If the 'Declared tips paid with payroll' setting is not enabled, this amount will be:

POS Cash Tips + POS Card Tips

Tip Out
Tip contribution amount of 'Total Tips' or 'Net Sales', as calculated by the tip automation rule.
Balance AppliedTips Out shortfall from previous days.
Tips OwedAmount of tips still owed to the employee after the 'Tips Out' and 'Balance Applied' amounts have been contributed.

Total Tips - Tips Out - Balance Applied

Note: The minimum amount for tips owed is $0.00. A negative tips owed amount will result in a contribution shortfall that will be carried over to future distributions in the 'Balance Applied' column. This does not impact the total amount distributed to receiving employees.

Receivers Table

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Export to ExcelClick to download the Tip Distributions Export for receiving employees as a .csv file
Receiving EmployeeEmployee who worked a receiving job
Receiving TotalsTotals for all receiving employees

Receivers Columns

Column TitleDescription
NameReceiving employee's name
JobReceiving employee's job associated with the received tips
Worked HoursNumber of hours worked in the receiving job during the hours associated with the tip automation rule
Tips OwedAdditional amount of tips owed to the employee from the tip distribution

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