This article reviews the Tip Automation Rules sidesheet within Tip Automation. Here, Users can view and edit tip automation rules.

Note: Tip Automation is only available for early adopters. Contact your CSM or R365 Support to learn how Tip Automation can enhance your R365 experience!

Article Topics:


First, navigate to the Tip Automation page 

In the page header, click the gear icon to open the Tip Automation Rules sidesheet.



Only users with the following permission will be able to access the Tip Automation Rules sidesheet:

  • Labor → Tip Automation → Configure Rules

Tip Automation Rules Sidesheet

For documentation purposes, this sidesheet has been broken into the following sections:

A) Sidesheet Action Buttons

B) Rule List - Location selection and list of tip automation rules for the displayed location 

C) Rule Details - Details for the selected tip automation rule

  • Information - Rule name and general settings
  • Time - Frequency that the tip automation rule will be calculated
  • Contributors - Settings for contribution calculations associated with contributing jobs
  • Receivers - Settings for receiving calculations associated with receiving jobs

Sidesheet Action Buttons

SaveClick to save the displayed tip automation rule.

Note: This button is disabled if the displayed rule has not been changed or if required settings are incomplete.
DeleteClick to delete the selected tip automation rule.

Note: Unapproved tip distributions calculated with this rule will also be deleted.
Expand/CollapseClick to expand to full screen, or collapse to half screen if already expanded.
CloseClick to close without saving.

 Rule List

LocationLocation associated with the listed tip automation rules
+ Add New Tip Automation Rule ButtonClick to add a new tip automation rule for the selected location
Tip Automation RuleTip automation rule name and description. Click to view or edit the rule details. Selected rule is highlighted in blue.
Active ToggleIndicates if the tip automation rule is active. Tip distributions will only be calculated for active rules.

  •  - Activated
  •  - Deactivated

Click to activate or deactivate the tip automation rule. 
Rule Issue IconIndicates that the tip automation rule is incomplete or overlaps with another tip automation rule and cannot be saved.


Rule Details


1NameUnique name of the tip distribution rule. This name will appear as the title for calculated and approved tip distributions.
2DescriptionDescription of the tip automation rule
3Declared tips paid with payrollIndicates if cash tips are included when calculating each contributing employee's owed tips.

  • Deactivated - Declared tips are paid directly to the contributing employee and are not included in total tips or owed tips calculations.

  •   Activated - Declared tips are not paid directly to the contributing employee and are included in total tips and owed tips calculations.
4Effective DateDate that tip distributions will begin being calculated using this rule.

When creating or editing a tip automation rule, the selected date must be today or a future date. 


FrequencyFrequency with which tip distributions are calculated.

Daily - Tip distributions are calculated and applied to the DSS on selected days only.

Weekly - Tip distributions are calculated and applied to the DSS for the full operational week on the last day of the operational week. 
Start TimeBeginning time for the tip automation rule.

Only employees with worked hours between the 15-minute interval start time and 15-minute interval end time of the tip automation rule will be included in the tip distribution.

Start times and end times are in 15-minute intervals. Selecting a time within a 15-minute interval will include the entire 15-minute interval.
Example intervals:
  • 12:00 - 12:14
  • 12:15 - 12:29
  • 12:30 - 12:44
  • 12:45 - 12:59

The start time must be on or after the first hour of the business day.

Note: Tip automation hours for selected days cannot overlap with other tip automation rules for the contributing jobs.
End TimeEnd time for the tip automation rule.

Only employees with worked hours between the 15-minute interval start time and 15-minute interval end time of the tip automation rule will be included in the tip distribution.

Start times and end times are in 15-minute intervals. Selecting a time within a 15-minute interval will include the entire 15-minute interval.
Example intervals:
  • 12:00 - 12:14
  • 12:15 - 12:29
  • 12:30 - 12:44
  • 12:45 - 12:59

The end time must be on or before the last hour of the business day.

Note: Tip automation hours for selected days cannot overlap with other tip automation rules for the contributing jobs.
8Days of the WeekDays of the week that a tip automation rule with a daily frequency will be calculated.

Note: This setting is only displayed when 'Daily' is set as the frequency.

Note: Tip automation hours for selected days cannot overlap with other tip automation rules for the contributing jobs.


Contribution is based on Sales - Tip distribution pool amount is calculated as a percentage of sales associated with contributing employees during the hours of the tip automation rule. When selected, the 'Sale(s)*' field is displayed (#10).

Tips - Tip distribution pool amount is calculated as a percentage of tips collected by contributing employees during the hours of the tip automation rule. 
10Funding On

Job Title - Contributing employees will be determined by the job(s) worked by each employee. Only employees who work the selected jobs (#12) will contribute to the distribution pool.

Service Type - Contributing employees will be determined by POS service types. Only employees with sales associated with the selected service types (#12) will contribute to the distribution pool.

11Sale(s)*Sales categories included in contribution calculations. This field is only displayed when 'Contribution is based on' (#9) is set to Sales.

When Net Sales is selected, employee contribution amounts will be calculated as a percentage of their net sales. 
  • Note: When Net Sales is selected, additional sales categories cannot be selected. 

When one or more sales categories are selected, employee contribution amounts will be calculated as a percentage of their sales from the selected categories only.
  • Note: When one or more sales categories are selected, Net Sales cannot be selected. 

Note: The available sales categories will match the categories provided by the POS. 
12 Job(s) / Service Type(s)Jobs or service types contributing to the tip distribution pool.

When 'Funding On' (#11) is set to Job Title, contributing jobs are selected. 
  • Employees who have worked hours under a contributing job during the hours associated with the tip automation rule will be included as contributors to the tip distribution.
  • Only jobs with a Tip Designation of 'Directly Tipped' on their associated Job Record can be assigned as a contributing job.

When 'Funding On' (#11) is set to Service Type, contributing service types are selected. 
  • Employees who have sales associated with a contributing service type during the hours associated with the tip automation rule will be included as contributors to the tip distribution.

Note: Contributing jobs or service types cannot overlap with other tip automation rules for the same hours.
13 Contribution PercentagePercentage of sales or collected tips used to calculate the amount of tips contributed to the tip distribution pool by the contributing employee.

Note: Tips that are not contributed to the tip distribution pool will be included in the contributing employees' owed tips totals. 
14 + Add Contributor ButtonAdds an additional group of contributing jobs/service types with a different contribution percentage


 15Tips are divided byWorked Hours - Employees receive a proportional amount of tips based on the number of hours they worked during the hours associated with the tip automation rule.

Evenly - Employees receive an even amount of tips regardless of the number of hours worked during the hours associated with the tip automation rule.
All jobs receive the same percentage of the tipsWhen enabled, the tip distribution pool is divided evenly between all receiving jobs.

When disabled, the tip distribution pool is split by percentage between the receiving jobs.    
 17 Job(s)Jobs that will receive distributed tips.

Employees who have worked hours under this job during the hours associated with the tip automation rule will be included as receivers of the tip distribution.

Only jobs with a 'Tip Designation' of 'Directly Tipped' or 'Indirectly Tipped' on their associated Job Record can be assigned as a receiving job.

18 Split PercentagePercentage of the tip distribution pool assigned to the receiving job.

Note: The total split percentage for all receiving jobs must total 100%

Note: This setting is only displayed when 'All jobs receive the same percentage of tips' is disabled.
19+Add Receiver Group ButtonAdds an additional group of receiving jobs with a different split percentage.
20xx / 100% DistributedTotal percentage of the tip distribution pool already assigned to all receiving jobs.

Note: The total split percentage for all receiving jobs must total 100% before the tip automation rule can be saved.

Note: This field only appears when the 'All jobs receive the same percentage of tips' setting (#16) is disabled.

21Receiver Back Up BehaviorDetermines how undistributed tips are handled when there are no clocked hours for any job in a receiver group.

Return Tips to Contributor - Undistributed tips are returned to the associated contributing employee.

Distribute Tips to Other Receiver(s)- Undistributed tips are distributed proportionally to the receivers in other receiver groups.
  • Note: If there are no receiver groups with clocked hours, undistributed tips will be automatically returned to the associated contributing employee.

Note: This field does not appear when the 'All jobs receive the same percentage of the tips' setting is enabled (#16)

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