There are many types of import files that might be needed to fully integrate a point of sale system with R365. Support will provide one or more import file templates to suit the POS and the needs of your organization. The tables below provide definitions for the columns that appear in each type of import file. Select a link from the list below to quickly navigate to definitions for the import file.
Required fields are marked with a red asterisk ( * ).
Article Topics
- Deposits
- Discounts
- Employees
- House Accounts
- Jobs
- Labor Detail
- Menu Items
- Non Sales Revenue
- Paid In / Outs
- Payments
- Refunds
- Sales Detail
- Surcharges
- Tax Definitions
- Tax Details
- Tenders
- Tills
- Voids
Column | Data Type | Description |
DepositDate* | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Date when the deposit occurred. |
Amount* | decimal | Amount that was deposited. |
DaypartName | string | Name of the part of day when the deposit was applied. |
EmployeeNumber | string | Identification number for the employee who made the deposit. |
Number | string | Identification number for the deposit. |
RevenueCenterName | string | Revenue center associated with the deposit. |
ClosedTime | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Date and time when the deposit was closed. |
Column | Data Type | Description |
CompPromo_CheckNumber* | string | Number of the check to which the discount was applied. |
Comp_CompName* | string | Name of the discount. |
Comp_EmployeeNumber | string | Identification number for the employee who applied the discount. |
Comp_RevenueCenterName | string | Revenue center where the discount occurred. |
Comp_Time | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the discount was applied. |
Comp_Amount* | decimal | Amount subtracted from the total due to the discount. |
Comp_DrawerNumber | string | Drawer number associated with the discount. |
Promo_PromoName* | string | Name of the promotion. |
Promo_EmployeeNumber | string | Identification number for the employee who applied the promotional discount. |
Promo_RevenueCenterName | string | Revenue center where the promotional discount occurred. |
Promo_Time | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the promotional discount was applied. |
Promo_Amount* | decimal | Amount subtracted from the total due to the discount. |
Promo_DrawerNumber | string | Drawer number associated with the promotional discount. |
This file is required to track employee and labor data. For more information, see Workforce Employee record.
Column | Data Type | Description |
EmployeeId* | string | Number used to identify the employee in R365. |
FirstName* | string | Employee's first name or given name. |
MiddleName | string | Employee's middle name or second name. |
LastName* | string | Employee's last name or surname. |
PayrollId | string | Number used to identify the employee for the purpose of processing payroll. |
string | Email address on file that can be used to contact the employee. | |
Phone | string | Phone number on file that can be used to contact the employee. |
Address | string | Address number and street name of the employee's mailing address. This line might also include a unit, suite, apartment number, or P.O. box, if applicable. |
City | string | City of the employee's mailing address. |
State | string | State or province of the employee's mailing address. |
Zip | string | Zip code or postal code of the employee's mailing address. |
Birthdate | DateTime (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss) | Employee's date of birth. Format: YYYY/MM/DD Example: If an employee was born on February 13th, 1988, the Birthdate field should read 1988/02/13. |
IsInactive | boolean (True/False OR 0/1) | Indicates whether the employee is actively employed. |
House Accounts
For more information, see House Accounts and Customer record.
Column | Data Type | Description |
HouseAccountNumber* | string | Number used to identify the house account in R365. |
HouseAccountName* | string | Name of the house account. |
Address | string | Address number and street name listed on the Customer record. |
City | string | City listed on the Customer record. |
State | string | State or province listed on the Customer record. |
PostalCode | string | Zip code or postal code listed on the Customer record. |
FirstName | string | First name listed on the Customer record. |
LastName | string | Last name listed on the Customer record. |
PhoneNumber | string | Phone number listed on the Customer record. |
EmailAddress | string | Email address listed on the Customer record. |
This file is required to track labor data.
Column | Data Type | Description |
JobCode* | string | Number used to identify the job in R365. |
JobName* | string | Name of the job. |
DefaultPayRate | decimal | Default rate of pay for the job. |
JobDescription | string | Description of the job. |
Labor Detail
This file is required to import labor data.
Column | Data Type | Description |
EmployeeNumber* | string | Number used to identify the employee in R365. |
ShiftNumber* | integer | Incremental number used to track each shift for an employee on a single business day. |
ClockInDate* | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Date when the employee clocked in to the shift. |
ClockInTime* | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the employee clocked in to the shift. |
ClockOutTime* | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the employee clocked out of the shift. |
CreditTips | decimal | Amount of tips paid by credit card. |
DeclaredTips | decimal | Amount of tips declared by the employee. |
Sales | decimal | Employee's sales for the day. |
JobCode | string | Number used to identify the job that the employee worked in R365. |
JobName | string | Name of the job that the employee worked. |
PayRate | decimal | Employee's rate of pay for the job that they worked. |
RegularHours | decimal | Number of regular hours worked. |
IsUnpaidBreak | boolean (True/False OR 0/1) | Indicates whether the shift included an unpaid break. |
IsPaidBreak | boolean (True/False OR 0/1) | Indicates whether the shift included a paid break. |
Menu Items
Column | Data Type | Description |
ItemNumber* | string | Number used to identify the item in the POS. The sales detail file uses this number to look up the menu item name, category, and other relevant information. |
ItemName* | string | Name of the item. |
PLU | string | Price Look Up code. |
CategoryName | string | Name of the category to which the item is assigned. |
ItemCost | decimal | Cost for the item. |
SKU | string | Stock Keeping Unit code. |
Non Sales Revenue
Column | Data Type | Description |
NonSalesRevenue_CheckNumber* | string | Number of the check to which the non-sales revenue was applied. |
NonSalesRevenue_Amount* | decimal | Amount for the transaction. |
NonSalesRevenue_Quantity | integer | Number of non-sales items involved in the transaction. |
NonSalesRevenue_DaypartName | string | Name of the part of day when the transaction occurred. |
NonSalesRevenue_EmployeeNumber | string | Identification number for the employee who completed the transaction. |
NonSalesRevenue_RevenueCenterName | string | Revenue center where the transaction occurred. |
NonSalesRevenue_Time | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the transaction occurred. |
NonSalesRevenue_Name* | string | Name of the non-sales revenue item. Example: Event Deposit. |
Paid In / Outs
Column | Data Type | Description |
Amount* | decimal | Amount for the paid in/out. |
AffectsCash | boolean (True/False OR 0/1) | Indicates whether the paid in/out affects case. |
DaypartName | string | Name of the part of day when the paid in/out occurred. |
EmployeeNumber | string | Identification number for the employee who processed the paid in/out. |
PaidInOutName* | string | Name of the paid in/out. |
Time | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the paid in/out occurred. |
Notes | string | Any notes or comments attached to the paid in/out. |
Column | Data Type | Description |
Payment_CheckNumber* | string | Number of the check to which the payment was applied. |
Payment_EmployeeNumber | string | Identification number for the employee who processed the payment. |
Payment_GuestName | string | Name of the guest involved in the payment, if applicable. |
Payment_TenderIdentity | string | Last four digits of the credit card used for the payment. |
Payment_TenderNumber* | string | Number used to look up the tender information in the tender file. |
Payment_Time | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the payment was made. |
Payment_Tip | decimal | Amount of tips applied to the payment. |
Payment_RevenueCenterName | string | Revenue center for which the payment was processed. |
Payment_BaseAmount* | decimal | Amount for the payment, not including tips or gratuity. |
Payment_DrawerNumber | string | Drawer number for the payment. |
Payment_AutoGratuityName | string | Name for the automatically applied gratuity charge. |
Payment_AutogratuityAmount | decimal | Amount of the automatically applied gratuity charge. |
Column | Data Type | Description |
Refund_CheckNumber* | string | Number of the check to which the refund was applied. |
Refund_EmployeeNumber | string | Identification number of the employee who processed the refund. |
Refund_Time | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the refund was applied. |
Refund_RevenueCenterName | string | Revenue center where the refund occurred. |
Refund_DaypartName | string | Name of the part of day when the refund was applied. |
Refund_ItemNumber | string | Number used to identify the refunded item in the software. |
Refund_ManagerEmployeeNumber | string | Identification number for the manager who approved the refund. |
Refund_OrderModeName | string | Order mode (R365 Service Type) in which the refund occurred, such as For Here, To Go, Delivery, and so on. |
Refund_RefundName | string | Name of the refund. |
Refund_TenderNumber | string | Tender number for the type of payment that was refunded. |
Refund_DrawerNumber | string | Drawer number for the refund. |
Refund_Notes | string | Any notes or comments attached to the refund, if applicable. |
Refund_TaxAmount | decimal | Amount of tax refunded. |
Refund_TaxNumber | integer | Number associated with the refunded taxes. |
Refund_Amount* | decimal | Total amount that was refunded. |
Refund_Quantity | integer | Number of items that were refunded. |
Sales Detail
Column | Data Type | Description |
CheckNumber* | string | Check number (or order number). |
OpenTime | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the check was opened. |
CloseTime* | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the check was closed. |
RevenueCenterName | string | Revenue center where the check was processed. |
OrderModeName | string | Order mode (R365 Service Type) on which the check was processed. |
EmployeeNumber | string | Identification number for the employee associated with the check. This is usually the server who worked the table. |
GuestCount | integer | Number of guests associated with the check. |
TableName | string | Name or number used to identify the table. |
ItemSale_EmployeeNumber | string | Identification number for the employee who added the menu item. |
ItemSale_TicketItemNumber* | integer | Incremental number used to identify the parent and child menu items. Any parent item with modifiers should have the same TicketItemNumber in order to attach the modifiers to that specific parent item. Example:
ItemSale_ItemNumber* | string | Number used to identify the menu item in R365. |
ItemSale_RevenueCenterName | string | Revenue center where the sale of the menu item occurred. |
ItemSale_Time | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the sale of the menu item occurred. |
ItemSale_Quantity | integer | Number of menu items involved in the sale. |
ItemSale_GrossAmount* | decimal | Gross amount of revenue gained from the sale of the menu item. |
ItemSale_Modifiers_ItemNumber** | string | Number used to identify the menu item modifier in R365. This field is required if a menu item modifier is applied. |
ItemSale_Modifiers_Quantity** | integer | Number of modifier items sold. This field is required if a menu item modifier is applied. |
ItemSale_Modfiers_GrossAmount** | decimal | Gross amount of revenue gained from the sale of the menu item modifier. This field is required if a menu item modifier is applied. |
ItemSale_Comp_CompName* | string | Name of the discount. |
ItemSale_Comp_EmployeeNumber | string | Identification number for the employee who applied the discount. |
ItemSale_Comp_RevenueCenterName | string | Revenue center where the discount was applied. |
ItemSale_Comp_Time | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the discount was applied. |
ItemSale_Comp_Amount* | decimal | Amount subtracted from the total due to the discount. |
ItemSale_Comp_DrawerNumber | string | Drawer number associated with the discount. |
ItemSale_Promo_PromoName* | string | Name of the promotion. |
ItemSale_Promo_EmployeeNumber | string | Identification number for the employee who applied the promotional discount. |
ItemSale_Promo_RevenueCenterName | string | Revenue center where the promotional discount was applied. |
ItemSale_Promo_Time | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the promotional discount was applied. |
ItemSale_Promo_Amount* | decimal | Amount subtracted from the total due to the discount. |
ItemSale_Promo_DrawerNumber | string | Drawer number associated with the promotional discount. |
Column | Data Type | Description |
Surcharge_CheckNumber* | string | Number of the check to which the surcharge was applied. |
Surcharge_Amount* | decimal | Amount of the surcharge. |
Surcharge_DaypartName | string | Name of the part of day when the surcharge was applied. |
Surcharge_EmployeeNumber | string | Identification number for the employee who applied the surcharge. |
Surcharge_RevenueCenterNumber | string | Revenue center where the surcharge was applied. |
Surcharge_Time | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the surcharge was applied. |
Surcharge_Name* | string | Name of the surcharge. |
Tax Definitions
Column | Data Type | Description |
Number* | string | Number or code used to identify the tax. |
Name* | string | Name of the tax. |
Rate | decimal | Rate of the tax. |
RateType | string | Indicates whether the rate is based on a percentage or is a fixed rate. Format: Percentage/Fixed |
IsInclusive | boolean (True/False OR 0/1) | Indicates whether the tax is inclusive. |
Tax Details
Column | Data Type | Description |
CheckNumber* | string | Number of the check to which the tax was applied. |
Tax_TaxNumber* | string | Number or code used to identify the tax. |
Tax_RevenueCenterName | string | Revenue center where the tax was applied. |
Tax_Amount* | decimal | Amount of the tax. |
IsInclusive | boolean (True/False OR 0/1) | Indicates whether the tax is inclusive. |
Column | Data Type | Description |
Number* | string | Number used to identify the tender. |
Name* | string | Name of the tender. |
Type | string | Type of tender, such as cash or non-cash. |
Column | Data Type | Description |
BusinessDate* | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Date with which the till is associated. |
DrawerNumber* | string | Drawer number used to identify the till. |
ExpectedAmount* | decimal | Total amount of cash that is expected to be in the till. |
EmployeeNumber | string | Identification number for the employee who is responsible for the till. |
IsClosed* | boolean (True/False OR 0/1) | Indicates whether the till is closed. |
ClosedTime | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the till closed. |
Column | Data Type | Description |
Void_CheckNumber* | string | Number of the check on which the void occurred. |
Void_ItemNumber | string | Number used to identify the item in the voided transaction. |
Void_EmployeeNumber | string | Identification number for the employee who voided the transaction. |
Void_RevenueCenterName | string | Revenue center where the void occurred. |
Void_Time | DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) | Time when the transaction was voided. |
Void_Amount* | decimal | Amount of the transaction that was voided. |
Void_Quantity | integer | Number of items involved in the voided transaction. |
Void_Name | string | Name of the void. |
Void_Notes | string | Any notes or comments attached to the void, if applicable. |
Void_DrawerNumber | string | Drawer number on which the void occurred. |