This article reviews the labor dashboard master. 

Upon opening the Labor Dashboard Master, users may be prompted to select a date parameter. The default setting is set to the date that is 3 months back from the current date.  Once loaded, the dashboard master will feature the data within the date window. 

This dashboard cannot be edited. However, should any changes need to be made, users can duplicate this dashboard master and edit the copy.

The labor dashboard master uses the Labor Dataset to create the following visualizations:

Total Actual Hours

Total Actual HoursThe total number of hours worked within the selected date parameter. 
Scheduled HoursThe total number of hours that were scheduled within the selected date parameter.
VarianceThe variance percent. This variance is based on the comparison between the hours scheduled and the hours worked. 

This visualization was created using the following metrics:

  • Total Actual Hours
  • Total Scheduled Hours

Actual Shift Count

Actual Shift CountThe number of shifts worked within the selected date parameter.
Scheduled Shift CountThe number of shifts scheduled within the selected date parameter.
VarianceThe variance percent. This variance is based on the comparison between scheduled shift count and actual shift count. 

This visualization was created using the following metrics:

  • Actual Shift Count
  • Scheduled Shift Count

Total Actual Wages

Total Actual WagesThe total dollar amount of all wages paid to employees within the selected date parameter. 
Scheduled WagesThe total dollar amount of all wages scheduled to be paid to employees based on the scheduled hours within the selected date parameter.
Variance The variance percent. This variance is based on the comparison between scheduled wages and actual wages. 

This visualization was created using the following metrics:

  • Total Actual Wages
  • Total Scheduled Wages

Labor %

The labor percent shows the percent of labor used within the selected date parameter. This is calculated by taking the Total Actual Wages metric and dividing it by the Gross Sales metric.

This visualization was created using the following metric:

  • Labor % 

Actual vs. Scheduled Hours

DateThe x or horizontal axis shows individual dates in d/m/yyyy format. The dates here are determined by the date parameters set on the dashboard.  
HoursThe y or vertical axis shows the number of hours. 
Total Actual HoursThe left bar shows the total actual hours. These are the total number of hours worked by employees on the designated day. 
Total Scheduled HoursThe right bar shows the total scheduled hours. These are the total number of hours scheduled on the designated day. 

This visualization was created using the following attributes and metrics:

  • Attributes
    • Date
  • Metrics
    • Total Actual Hours
    • Total Scheduled Hours

Actual vs. Scheduled Wages

DateThe horizontal axis shows individual dates in d/m/yyyy format. The dates here are determined by the date parameters set on the dashboard.
WagesThe vertical axis shows the dollar amount of wages.
Total Actual WagesThe left bar shows the total actual wages. This is the total dollar amount of all wages paid to employees based on the total hours worked. 
Total Scheduled WagesThe right bar shows the total scheduled wages. This is the total dollar amount of all wages scheduled to be paid to employees based on the total scheduled hours. 

This visualization was created using the following attributes and metrics:

  • Attributes
    • Date
  • Metrics
    • Total Actual Wages
    • Total Scheduled Wages

Actual vs. Scheduled Shifts

DateThe horizontal axis shows individual dates in d/m/yyyy format. The dates here are determined by the date parameters set on the dashboard.
ShiftsThe vertical axis shows the number of shifts.
Total Actual ShiftsThe left bar shows the total actual shifts worked. This is the total number of shifts worked by employees on the designated day. 
Total Scheduled ShiftsThe right bar shows the total scheduled shifts. This is the total number of shifts that were scheduled on the designated day.  

This visualization was created using the following attributes and metrics:

  • Attributes
    • Date
  • Metrics
    • Actual Shift Count
    • Scheduled Shift Count

Labor Summary

Attribute SelectorThis selector allows users to sort the visualizations below either by Location or by Employee Name. When Location is selected, the data shown will be per location, and when set to Employee Name, the data shown will be per each employee.

Important Note: This selector also applies to the Labor Efficiency Analysis and Void Analysis visualizations. 
Location / Employee NameWhen the selector is set to Location, this will list the Location names. When set to Employee Name, this will list the names of the Employees. 
DT Actual HoursThe actual number of double time hours worked. 
OT Actual HoursThe actual number of over time hours worked.
Regular Actual HoursThe actual number of regular hours worked. 
Regular Scheduled HoursThe number of regular hours scheduled. 
Scheduled Shift CountThe number of scheduled shifts.
Total Actual HoursThe total actual hours worked. This includes DT, OT, and regular hours.
Total Scheduled HoursThe total scheduled hours. 

This visualization was created using the following attributes and metrics:

  • Attributes
    • Location
    • Employee Name
  • Metrics
    • DT Actual Hours
    • OT Actual Hours
    • Regular Actual Hours
    • Regular Scheduled Hours
    • Total Actual Hours
    • Total Scheduled Hours

Labor Efficiency Analysis

GPLHThe vertical axis represents the guests per labor hour.  This is calculated by taking the Guest Count metric and dividing it by the Total Actual Hours metric.
SPLHThe horizontal axis represents the sales per labor hour. This is calculated by taking the Gross Sales metric and dividing it by the Total Actual Hours metric. 
Graph PointThe circles on the graph represent individual data points.

Hovering over a circle will show the detailed data with the location, GPLH value, and SPLH value.

This visualization was created using the following attributes and metrics:

  • Attributes
    • Employee Name
  • Metric
    • GPLH
    • SPLH

Void Analysis

Void AmountThe vertical axis represents the dollar void amount. This is the dollar amount of all voided transactions. 
Gross SalesThe horizontal axis represents the dollar amount of gross sales. This is the total sales amount without adjustments or deductions. 
Graph PointThe circles on the graph represent individual data points.

Hovering over a circle will show the detailed data with the location, gross sales, void amount, and void %.

This visualization was created using the following attributes and metrics:

  • Attributes
    • Employee Name
  • Metrics
    • Void Amount
    • Gross Sales
    • Void %
      • This is calculated by taking the Void Amount Metric and dividing it by the Gross Sales metric.