This article is part of weekly forecasting and covers Forecast Rules. 

With this feature, users can create rule groups made up of user-customized forecast rules. Forecast rules are automations made up of a trigger and an action. These forecast rules are applied to their assigned location(s) to change the default projection behavior. Forecast rules are used to improve the accuracy of projections on special days like holidays or days in which there are coupon drops, limited-time offers, or promotions.

Before creating a forecast rule, users must first create a rule group and assign the rule group to any location(s) that the rules should apply. A location can only be assigned to one rule group. 

After creating a rule group, individual forecast rules can be created to add to the rule group. 

Note: Forecast rules is in beta and only available to users with the Advanced Forecasting add-on enabled. Please contact your CSM to learn more.

Article Topics:


Forecast Rules is only available to users with Advanced Forecasting enabled. Forecast Rules permissions are found in the permission tree as follows:

  • Sales & Cash

    • Forecasts

      • Forecast Settings

        • Forecast Rules

          • View Forecast Rules

          • Create/Edit/Delete Forecast Rules

Navigate to the Forecasting page by clicking Forecasting from under Sales & Forecasting in the left navigation menu. Then, from the Forecasting page, click the gear iconto open the Forecast Settings sidesheet.

On the Forecast Settings sidesheet, click the Rules tab.

Forecast Settings Rules Tab

+New Rule GroupOpens the Add a New Rule Group wizard that takes users through each step of creating a new rule group.
Rule Groups GridLists the existing rule groups and their details.
Rule GroupIndividual rule group entry. Clicking an entry will open the Rule Group Details. 

Rule Groups Grid

The Rule Groups grid shows users the following details:

NameName of the rule group.
RulesNumber of forecast rules within the rule group.
LocationsLocation(s) that have been assigned the rule group.
Created OnDate that the rule group was created.
Created ByUser that created the rule group.
Modified OnDate that the rule group was last modified.
Modified ByUser that last modified the rule group.

Add a New Rule Group Wizard

The Add a New Rule Group wizard has three sections:


The Details section requires users to include the following information:

NameName given to the rule group.
Location(s)Location(s) that the forecast rules in this group will be applied to.

Note: Users can proceed to the next step, Rules, without adding a location in this field. When there is no location assigned, the rules will not be applied. Locations can be added at any point from the Rule Group Details. 



From the Rules sections, users can create individual forecast rules to configure automations that will apply to the forecast(s).

When the +Add Rule button is clicked, users will be prompted to configure the rule automation. Learn more about creating a forecast rule here

Users can add as many rules as needed. When all rules are added, click Continue to move on to the final step in the wizard. Rules can later be edited or added at any time from the Rule Group Details.


From the Priority section, users can sort the rules in order of their priority by dragging and dropping the rules into the desired position. When a date meets the criteria of more than one rule, the topmost rule will take priority. The priority of the rules can later be edited at any time from the Rule Group Details. 

Rule Group Details

From the Rule Group Details, users can manage the selected rule group. This includes creating and editing forecast rules.

Back to All Rule GroupsReturns the user to the list of all rule groups.
SaveSaves and changes made to the rule group.
Rule Group Option MenuEnables the user to delete or duplicate the rule group.

NameName of the rule group.
LocationLocation(s) that the rule group is assigned to. 
+Add RuleOpens the Add Rule dialog box, where users can configure the rule name and automation of a new forecast rule. 
Rule ListList of all created forecast rules in the order of priority.
Forecast RuleIndividual forecast rule, including the following rule information:
  • Rule Name
  • Trigger
  • Action
RearrangeEnables the user to drag and drop the rules to reprioritize the forecast rules.

A forecast date can only assume one forecast rule. When a date meets the criteria of more than one rule, the topmost rule will take priority.  
Rule Option MenuEnables the user to edit, duplicate, or delete a single rule.

Duplicate a Rule Group

Users can duplicate a group to create a new rule group with the same exact forecast rules without having to recreate each rule. 

To do this, open the Rule Group that needs to be duplicated. Then, click the action menu icon. From the dropdown, click Duplicate

This will open a new rule group with the name Copy of [Rule Group Name]. The same list of forecast rules will be listed. The rule group name and assigned locations can be edited before clicking Save

Create and Edit a Forecast Rule

Forecast rules can be created upon creation of a new rule group. Once a rule group is created, forecast rules can then be added or edited at any time from the Rule Group Details.

Creating or editing a forecast rule requires users to assign a name and configure a rule automation that includes both a trigger and an action. Learn more about creating and editing a forecast rule here

Apply Forecast Rules to Projections

When forecast rules have been created or edited, the rules will automatically be applied to all future-generated projection dates that match the trigger criteria at the assigned location(s).

 If a projection has already been generated or is already published, the projection will need to be recalculated in order for the forecast rules to apply. Learn more about recalculating to apply forecast rules to projection dates here.