This article is part of the operations dashboard. 

In addition to the standard dashboard elements, some organizations may have access to an additional selector that allow users to elect whether to view the Operations Dashboard information in terms of Net Sales or Gross Sales. 

To configure the Net/Gross Toggle, users must have the following permission:

Administration → Dashboards → Ops Dashboard →  Configure Net/Gross Toggle

Note: The Net/Gross toggle is in beta and currently only available for systems integrated with Sicom and Brink. Please contact your CSM to learn more. 

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Net/Gross Selector

The quick access Net/Gross Toggle can be found at the top of the screen in the field labeled Sales Are Calculated Using.

The dropdown has both the Gross Sales and Net Sales options. The data shown on the dashboard will be determined by the user's selection. 

Users can alternate between each sales type option as needed. When the page is refreshed, the dashboard will return to its default selection. A default view can be selected from the Operations Dashboard Settings. 

Configure a Default View

To set a default view, click the Settings button in the top right corner of the page. 

Click the Ops Dashboard Displays Sales As field to make a selection between Gross and Net Sales. The option selected will now be the dashboard's default view.