The Labor by Employee by Job Report displays punch details for specific employees over a set period of time, providing users with a comprehensive overview of labor costs by employee and by job. This report is beneficial when scheduling employees and viewing pay details.

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  1. In the Reports section of the left navigation pane, select My Reports.
    The My Reports screen appears.
  2. At the top of the My Reports screen, select Labor.
    The screen generates a list of reports in alphabetical order.
  3. Locate the Labor By Employee By Job Report.
  4. Select Customize to adjust the report parameters and run the report.

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Report Parameters

1Filter ByLocation reporting category by which to filter the report.

Options in the Filter By menu are configurable and specific to your organization. For more information, see System Preferences: Location Reporting Categories and Location Record: Reporting Categories.
2FilterAllows users to apply one or more filter options from the location reporting category that they selected in the Filter By menu. The selected filters determine which locations appear in the generated report.

For example, if Filter By is set to Region, the Filter menu might include options such as North, South, East, and West. A user can select West to display all locations belonging to this reporting category.

Options that appear in the Filter menu are configurable and specific to your organization. For more information, see System Preferences: Location Reporting Categories and Location Record: Reporting Categories.
3StartFirst date to include in the report. The Start and End fields create a date range for which to include data in the generated report.
4EndLast date to include in the report. The Start and End fields create a date range for which to include data in the generated report.
5Sort ByLists employees alphabetically by either First Name or Last Name.
6Identify MinorsIf set to Yes, the word 'Minor' appears next to all employees who are under a certain age.
7View optionsProvides the user with options to select, save, edit, or delete a report view.
For more information about these controls, see My Reports: Using My Reports.
8RunGenerates the report.
The green arrow button opens a drop-down from which users can Export, Email, or Print the report.

Note: Labor Hours and Labor $ values will not consider any hours or dollars associated with employees who have the Exclude Labor Hours and Exclude Labor $ checkboxes checked on their employee record.

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Report Columns

Employee and DateName of the employee and the date that the employee worked the shift.
InTime when the employee started the shift (clocked in).
OutTime when the employee ended the shift (clocked out).
Location where the employee worked the shift.
JobJob the employee worked.
Reg HrsNumber of hours worked at a regular rate of pay.

Hours are reported as a decimal. Example: 4 hours and 15 minutes appears as 4.25.

OT HrsNumber of hours worked at an overtime rate of pay.

Hours are reported as a decimal. Example: 4 hours and 15 minutes appears as 4.25.

Tot HrsTotal number of hours worked.

Hours are reported as a decimal. Example: 4 hours and 15 minutes appears as 4.25.

Pay RateEmployee's hourly rate of pay.
OTPayAmount to be paid to the employee for hours worked at an overtime rate of pay on the specified date.
OTPay = OT Hrs x OT Rate
Penalty PayAmount owed to the employee due to a break penalty, if any.
Other PayAmount owed to the employee for any reason not covered by regular pay, overtime pay, and penalty pay. 
Total PayTotal amount to be paid to the employee for the specified date, including regular pay, overtime pay, penalty pay, and all others.

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Email, Export, or Print the Report

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. Click here to learn how to send, export, or print this report.

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