Labor Reports

Labor Reports Overview
Labor reports provide users with data and forecasts that can help them make informed decisions about productivi...
Academy Progress Report
The Academy Progress Report allows the user to track their employees' progress through the R365 Academy cou...
ADP Alternate Export
The ADP Alternate Export is similar to the ADP Workforce Export in that it runs R365's system to produce a ...
ADP Workforce Export
The ADP Workforce Export will run R365's system to produce a listing of all Employee IDs, Pay Rates, Labor ...
Daily Roster Report
The Daily Roster displays a list of employees who are scheduled to work a chosen daypart or shift. Using this r...
F9 Segment Descriptions
The F9 Segment Descriptions Report is a resourceful tool for F9 Customers who want to transfer data into F9 for...
Labor Actual vs Scheduled
The Labor Actual vs Scheduled report compares actual labor to scheduled labor for selected locations and jobs. ...
Labor Actual vs Scheduled - Detail
The Labor Actual vs Scheduled - Detail report displays a thorough review of the labor, including employee names...
Labor Actual vs Scheduled - Punch Details
The Labor Actual vs Scheduled - Punch Details report runs the numbers for each employee's labor punches in ...
Labor Break and Split
The Labor Break and Split generates a list of break violations by location. This report helps users who oversee...