Hire Recruiting Module

R365 Hire Overview
R365 Hire enables restaurant Organizations to custom-design and track their Hiring Process from the point a Job...
R365 Hire: Recruiting Dashboard
The Recruiting Dashboard shows a high level overview of account activity, including New Applicants, Applicants in Pr...
R365 Hire: Jobs Listing
The Jobs listing includes all Jobs created, which can be filtered by Job Title, Location, Status, and more. From thi...
R365 Hire: Applicants Listing
The Applicants listing includes all Applicants, the Job they applied for, the Location, their current hiring status,...
R365 Hire: Reports
R365 Hire Reports are available for both the Recruiting and Onboarding modules. Each module uses a range of variable...
R365 Hire: Contacting Applicants
An Applicant can be contacted by either text message or email at any point in the Hiring Process. Initiating one of ...
R365 Hire: Message Templates
  When reviewing and communicating with multiple Applicants at one time, using Message Templates allows an easie...
R365 Hire: Hiring Process
Hiring Processes are hiring workflows that help to structure the steps of each unique Hiring Process. The system dis...
R365 Hire: Hiring Steps
Hiring Steps help determine the hiring workflow for the Human Resources Team. These steps can be uniquely organized ...
R365 Hire: Posting a Job
Posting a Job can be done easily through the Jobs listing. This article reviews how to create a new Job and the indi...