Operational Analysis Reports

Operational Analysis Reports Overview
The Operational Analysis Reports track and compare sales from different locations in order to strengthen curren...
Employees vs Guest Count Chart
The Employees vs Guest Count Chart compares the amount of staff to the amount of customers in a specific period...
Flash Report
The Flash Report shows summary information based on a single day’s performance in one or multiple locations. Al...
Flash Report - Advanced
The Flash Report shows summary information based on a single day’s performance in one or multiple locations.  A...
Location Comparison
The Location Comparison report compares certain operation values on the P&L report from two or more restaur...
Location Sales and Reg Labor
The Location Sales and Reg Labor Report runs the Sales and Labor as of a specified day compared to the same day la...
Location Vital Signs
The Location Vital Signs Report runs the Sales, Cost of Goods Sold, and Labor against the Budgets set for each ...
Operations Overview
The Operations Overview report is another version of the Flash Report and provides all of the Sales, Labor, and...
Operations Scorecard
The Operations Scorecard is another version of the Flash Report and shows the Gross Sales by week for specified...
Sales and Labor Breakout
The Sales and Labor Breakout displays net sales and labor data from the POS integration, broken down by item ca...