Scheduling Module Overview & Security

  The R365 Scheduling Module is a complete scheduling solution to manage your labor workforce.  In order to access the Scheduling Module, it must first be activated. This occurs by default for all new customers. If you do not currently have access to ...

Scheduling: Schedule Calendar

This article reviews the Schedule Calendar, which is the main page of the Scheduling Module. Here, Users can view, create, edit, publish, and print Schedules. Article Topics: Overview Navigation Header Forecasts and Advanced Metrics Shift T...

Scheduling: Creating and Editing Schedules

This article reviews creating and editing Schedules on the Schedule Calendar.  Article Topics: Starting Schedule for an Upcoming Week Creating a New Shift Copy and Paste a Shift Delete Shifts Assigning Employees Edit Shift Details with Drag and ...

R365 Scheduling Quick Start Guide

This Quick Start Guide will take you through the entire R365 Scheduling Module and have you building Schedules and saving money, starting today!   The Basics Before digging into a deep dive of Scheduling, follow this checklist to cover the basics o...

Scheduling: Labor Forecasting

This article reviews Labor Forecasting within the Scheduling Calendar. If Smart Labor is enabled, Sales and Labor Forecasts can be viewed within the Schedule Calendar. The Forecasts within the Schedule Calendar are based on Daily Forecasts, Hourly...

Scheduling: Managing Requests in the Manager Queue

This article reviews the Manager Queue within R365 Scheduling. Here, Users can view, approve, and deny Employee scheduling-related requests.  Article Topics: Overview Opening the Manager Queue Manager Queue Tabs Manager Notifications Heade...

Schedule Calendar: View & Template Options

This article reviews the View & Template Options within the Scheduling Calendar.  Article Topics: Overview Navigation View Settings  Saved Views View Options Sort Start With Section Scheduler Templates Prior Week Action Buttons De...

Schedule Calendar: Publish, Unpublish, and Alert Employees

Shifts can be Published and Unpublished individually or in bulk by Employee, Job, or Department. Additionally, Individual Shifts can be Published or Unpublished by right-clicking the Shift and selecting the desired action. Each time a Shift is Published/Un...

Schedule Calendar: Print Options

This article reviews the Print Schedule page within the Schedule Calendar. The Print Schedule page on the Schedule Calendar allows users to select which portions of the Schedule Calendar to print.  Print Options Field Description 1...

Scheduling: Shift Details Form

This article reviews the Shift Details form within the Scheduling Calendar. Shifts are the detailed Employee assignments on the Schedule. Shifts are created and edited as part of the Schedule creation process. Learn more about creating, copying, and de...

Smart Ops Release: Jobs List

This is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Jobs list in the Smart Ops Release is where all Job forms are created and stored. Users can create customized table views of the columns and/or filter...

Job Titles

Note: POS Account Rules can be set up to map new and unmapped Job Titles brought in from the POS. Click here to learn about POS Account Rules. Job Titles offer an optional labor accrual tracking feature to POS integrations to Restaurant365. A Job Title...

Smart Ops: Job Records

This article reviews Job Records within Smart Ops and Workforce.  A Job Record contains all of the details for a single Job in R365. Jobs are used in conjunction with the POS Integration to track Employee punches associated with Labor Accrual Journal E...

Scheduling: Job Responsibilities

Responsibilities allow a job to be further classified based on qualifications or skills. In Scheduling, responsibilities are assigned to shifts so that the shift can only be assigned to employees who have the matching responsibilities assigned to t...

Scheduling: Exclude Jobs

Jobs can be marked as excluded from the Schedule and/or from the POS Import from within the Job Form. Jobs that are excluded from the Schedule are often removed if they are outdated or a higher level position. Jobs are often excluded from POS Import so tha...

Smart Ops: Departments List

This is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Departments List stores all Department Records created in R365. Users can create customized table views of the columns and/or filters used in the de...

Smart Ops : Department Record

This is article reviews Departments within Smart Ops. Departments allow certain Jobs to be grouped together and used for Scheduling and Goal Setting purposes. By setting Labor Goals by Department, Users can further classify their Labor needs beyond jus...

Smart Ops Release: Sites

This is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release.  Sites are non-Restaurant Locations, such as a banquet hall, hotel, and arena, among others, where Employees may be scheduled to work. These are often o...

Manager Tools Overview & Security

This feature is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn about the Smart Ops Release. The Manager Tools page provides access to the following key managerial functions: Announcements, Blackout Days, Events, Request Cutoffs, and Time Off...

Manager Tools: Announcements

This is a part of the Manager Tools feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Announcements are used to communicate important messages to Employees. When an Announcement is created on either the We...

Manager Tools: Blackout Days

This is a part of the Manager Tools feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Blackout Days are specific dates on the Schedule Calendar that no Employee can request off. When entering Blackout Days, on...

Manager Tools: Events

This is a part of the Manager Tools feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Events form enables Users to enter Events that are occurring in the area that may have an effect on a Restaurant Location,...

Manager Tool: Request Cutoffs

This is a part of the Manager Tools feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Request Cutoffs set the day and time limitations by which Employees can submit Time Off Requests. From the 'Request Cut...

Manager Tools: Time Off

This article reviews the Time Off tab on the Manager Tools page. Article Topics: Overview  Creating Time Off Requests on Behalf of Employees Important Notes About Approving/Denying Requests Time Off Grid Time Off Grid Columns Time Off Re...

Manager Tools: Creating Time Off For an Employee

This article reviews creating time off requests on the Time Off tab of the Manager Tools page. In the event that an employee does not have access to the R365 Mobile App to submit a time off request, users with access to Manager Tools can create a time ...

Manager Tools: Enhanced Events - Coming Soon

This article is part of Manager Tools and covers Enhanced Events, a feature releasing to R365 over the course of 2024.  Events enables users to enter events that are occurring in the area or at the restaurant that may have an effect on a restaurant loc...

Manage Event Categories

This article is part of enhanced events and covers managing event categories.  R365 has a default set of categories that users can create subcategories under. When creating an event, users must select a subcategory from the Category field. If the desir...

Admin Page Overview & Security

This article reviews the Admin page within Smart Ops. The Admin page is where Labor Rules, the Labor Matrix, and Pay Periods can be updated to reflect the needs of your organization. From this page, Users with the necessary security access can vie...

Admin Page: Overtime Rules

This article reviews the 'Overtime Rules' tab of the Smart Ops Admin page. Here, Users can view, edit, and create Overtime Rule Groups.    Article Topics: Overview Important Notes Overtime Calculations Across Locations Exempt Employees ...

Admin Page: Break Rules

This is part of the Admin page in Smart Ops. The 'Break Rules' tab of the Admin page is where Break Rules can be set up to ensure that each selected Location complies with any company policies and/or local laws for Employee Breaks. From th...

Admin Page: Minor Rules

This is a part of the Admin page in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The 'Minor Rules' tab of the Admin page is where Admin Users can create Minor Rules that follow Federal and State Labor Laws f...

Schedule Calendar: Minor Rules

This article reviews how Minor Rules are used within Scheduling. When Minor Rules are created and marked as 'Active', they will be applied to the Schedule Calendar. These Rules will then assist the Scheduler in following Federal and State Labor...

Admin Page: Labor Matrix Overview

The Labor Matrix is part of the Admin page in Smart Ops. The Labor Matrix is the foundation for configuring a Smart Labor Forecast, enabling Admin Users to detail the Hours of Operation, Job Types, and Labor needed, as well as other aspects.    ...

Labor Matrix: General Subtab

This article is part of the 'Labor Matrix' on the Smart Ops 'Admin' page.  The Labor Matrix opens to the General subtab, where Restaurant Operating Hours and Scheduled Jobs are selected.   The Labor Type for each Job being scheduled is...

Labor Matrix: Fixed Labor

This article is part of the 'Labor Matrix' on the Smart Ops 'Admin' page.  The Fixed Labor subtab lists all Jobs for the selected Location that have been defined as 'Fixed Labor' on the 'General' subtab of the Labor Matr...

Labor Matrix: Variable Labor

This article is part of the 'Labor Matrix' on the Smart Ops 'Admin' page. The Variable Labor subtab contains the settings for all Jobs that have been tagged as 'Variable Labor' on the 'General' subtab.    Using a Va...

Labor Matrix: Day Parts

This article is part of the 'Labor Matrix' on the Smart Ops 'Admin' page.  The Day Parts subtab is where Day Parts can be defined for both the 'Variable Labor' subtab and the Schedule. Any number of Day Parts can be created, as ...

PTO Accruals Overview

This article is an overview of PTO Accruals, which allows for managing time off balances and earnings for employees in R365. Note: PTO Accruals replaces the legacy Workforce PTO Policies. Please contact your CSM or R365 Support to learn about transitio...

PTO Accruals: Policy Types

This article discusses the policy types within PTO Accruals.  Article Topics: Unlimited Accrued Fixed Day Unlimited The unlimited policy type allows employees to request an unlimited amount of time off with the associated earning type. With ...

PTO Accruals: Accrual Rules Tab

This article reviews the Accrual Rules tab of the Labor Admin page. Here, users can view, create, and edit accrual rules. Article Topics: Navigation & Security Navigation Security Accrual Rules Grid Navigation & Security Navi...

PTO Accruals: Accrual Rule Details Sidesheet

This article reviews the Accrual Rule Details sidesheet on the Accrual Rule tab of the Labor Admin page. Here, users can view and edit the details for a single accrual rule.  Article Topics: Navigation & Security Navigation Security ...

PTO Accruals: Creating an Unlimited Policy Accrual Rule

This article reviews the steps for creating an accrual rule for an 'unlimited' type PTO policy using the accrual rule wizard on the Labor Admin page.  Creating an Unlimited Policy Follow these steps to create a PTO accrual rule for an unli...

PTO Accruals: Creating a Fixed Date Policy Rule

This article reviews the steps for creating an accrual rule for a 'fixed date'  type PTO policy using the accrual rule wizard on the Labor Admin page.  Process to create a fixed date policy with the accrual rule wizard  Starting the Accrual ...

PTO Accruals: Creating an Accrued Policy Accrual Rule

This article reviews the steps for creating an accrual rule for an 'accrued' type PTO policy using the accrual rule wizard on the Labor Admin page.  Process to create an 'accrued' policy with the accrual rule wizard  Starting the Accr...

PTO Accruals: Accrual Rule Versioning and Deactivating

This article reviews creating versions for existing accrual rules, editing accrual rule versions with effective dates in the future, and deactivating current accrual rules. Learn more about PTO Accrual Rules here. Article Topics: Versioning and Deact...

PTO Accruals: Assigning Accrual Rules to Employees

This article reviews assigning PTO accrual rules to employees.  Article Topics: Overview How to Assign Accrual Rules to a Single Employee How to Bulk Assign Accrual Rules to Employees Overview Accrual rules are assigned to employees on th...

PTO Accruals: Adjusting Accrual Balances

This article reviews the steps to adjust an employee's PTO accrual balance.  Security Only users with the following permission will be able to adjust accrual balances: Labor Employees Time Accrual Balances Edit Accrual Balances ...