Sales Reports

Sales Reports Overview
Sales Reports provide information about a location's sales and the aspects that are associated with it, inc...
Avg Gross Sales by Hour
The Average Gross Sales by Hour Report compares Service Types by hour over a selected period of time. This repo...
Avg Gross Sales Ticket Count
The Average Gross Sales & Ticket Count Report displays the transactions and ticket count by day and day par...
Forecast Report
The Forecast Report displays the current Daily Forecast for each day in the selected date range along with Week...
Forecast Download Report
The Forecast Download Report displays the current Daily Forecast for each day in the selected date range. By inclu...
Menu Item Analysis
The Menu Item Analysis Report is most beneficial in analyzing a Marketing Strategy for a Location's menu it...
Menu Price Analysis
The Menu Price Analysis Report shows the cost and selling price for each Menu Item, determines a profit from th...
Product Mix
The Product Mix Report shows each menu item's percent of Sales for a selected period of time. This repor...
Product Mix - Year Over Year
The Product Mix - Year Over Year report lists Menu Items' current Sales Dollars against their prior year...
Sales and Prime Cost
The Sales and Prime Cost Report breaks down Sales by Sales Categories and provides specific details into guest ...