This article reviews Worker's Compensation configurations within Workforce.

Workers' Compensation Job Codes can be associated with Employees allowing for the calculation of Workers' Compensation when calculating Payroll Runs. Once configured and calculated, Worker's Compensation will be available for reporting purposes.
Workers Comp Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:
Workforce Payroll
Workers Comp
View Workers Comp
Edit Workers Comp
These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.
To access the Workers' Compensation configurations, click 'Workers' Comp' in the navigation sidebar

Workers' Comp Code Grid

Search - Search Job Names for the entered text
State Filter - Filter by individual state
Add Job - Click to add a new Job Class
Job Name - Name of the Job Class
Job Names do not need to be unique. Since Workers' Compensation is dependent on the State associated with the Job Class, the same Job Name can be duplicated with different States assigned.
Create unique Job Names for all Job Classes assigned to the same State.
State - State associated with the Job Class
Class Code - Workers Compensation Class Code for the Job and State
Rate - Dollar amount per hundred dollars of earnings used to calculate Workers' Compensation amounts
Edit - Click the pencil icon to Edit the Job Class details
Job Classes can be deleted by clicking the trashcan icon
at the bottom of the edit sidesheet. When deleted, if the Job Class was assigned on Employee Profiles, it will be unassigned and the Employee's Workers' Compensation Job will revert to 'No job selected'.
Adding New Jobs
To add a new Workers' Compensation Job, click . The New Job sidesheet will open.

Enter the appropriate information, then click 'Save' to create the new Job Class, or 'Cancel' to close without saving.
Job Names do not need to be unique. Since Workers' Compensation is dependent on the State associated with the Job Class, the same Job Name can be duplicated with different States assigned.
Best Practice: Create unique Job Names for all Class Codes assigned to the same State.
Assigning Job Classes to Employees
Workers Compensation Class Codes are assigned per Employee as part of the Job configuration on the 'Employment' tab of Employee Records.
Click the pencil icon associated with the desired Job in the 'Job' section to open the Job Settings.

Select the appropriate Workers' Comp Code

Only Workers Comp Codes that match the State of the Employee's Primary Location will be available to choose from.