The Daily Labor Review report allows Users to see Key Labor Metrics all in one place. With this report, Above Store Managers can review these Key Labor Metrics daily for all or selected Locations.

In this report, Labor Goal % is based on the Location's general Labor % Goal entered on its Location Record, not the daily Labor % Goals. 


To access the Daily Labor Review Report, navigate to 'My Reports,' then select 'Daily Labor Review' from the 'Labor' tab. 

Click 'Customize' next to the report to open up a listing of all Report Parameters that can be used to define the report.

Report Parameters 

1) Filter By - A list of all filter categories (i.e. Legal Entity, Location, District, Region, etc.)

2) Filter - A list of all the filter options based on the selection made in the 'Filter By' field

3) As Of - The starting date of the report

4) Show Forecast - Elect whether or not to display Forecast Metrics on the report. When set to 'YES,' the report will generate with the following additional fields:

  • Forecasted Sales
  • Forecasted Labor

Forecasted Labor and Forecasted Sales are pulled from Published Forecasts. Learn more about Forecasting, here

Report Columns

1) Location Name - The name of the Location 

2) Forecasted Sales - The total dollar amount of Forecasted Sales based on the Location's Published Forecasts

  • Note: This column only appears when the 'Show Forecast' field is set to 'on'

3) Actual Sales - The total dollar amount of Actual Sales made by the Location as per the most recent poll of the POS

4) Labor Goal % - The Labor Goal % based on the Location's general Labor Goal set on the Location Record

5) Forecasted Labor % - The Forecasted Labor % based on the Location's Published Forecasts

  • Note: This column only appears when the 'Show Forecast' field is set to 'on'

6) Actual Labor % - The Actual  Labor % reported by the POS as of the most recent poll

7) Scheduled Labor % - The Scheduled Labor % calculated at the time the Report is run

8) Variance to Goal - The Variance between the Actual Labor % and Labor Goal %

  • Note: When Actual Labor % exceeds the Labor Goal %, the text in this field will appear in red. When the Actual Labor % is below the Labor Goal %, the text in this field will appear in green

9) Scheduled vs Actual - The Comparison of Scheduled Labor % vs Actual Labor %

  • Note: When Actual Labor % exceeds the Scheduled Labor %, the text in this field will appear in red. When the Actual Labor % is below the Scheduled Labor %, the text in this field will appear in green

10) Break Rule Violations - The number of Break Rule Violations the Location has

11)  Penalty Amount - The dollar amount of Penalty costs accrued from the Break Rule Violations

12) Minor Rule Violations - The number of Minor Rule Violations the Location has 

13) Minor Penalty Amount - The dollar amount of Minor Penalty costs accrued from the Minor Rule Violations 

14) Employees in OT - The number of Employees at the Location who have Overtime hours

15) OT Hours - The total number of overtime hours worked by Employees

16) OT Amount - The total dollar amount of Overtime Costs based on the OT hours worked by Employees

Email, Export, or Print the Report 

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. Click here to learn how to send, export, or print this report.