The Employee Separation Report provides a list of all employees who separated from employment, along with relevant data for the employee such as contact and payroll information. For more information, see Workforce: Employee Separation.

This report automatically includes all properties to which the user has access and displays information based on Workforce employee records.

Article Topics

  1. In the Reports section of the left navigation pane, select My Reports.
    The My Reports screen appears.
  2. At the top of the My Reports screen, select Labor.
    The screen generates a list of reports in alphabetical order.
  3. Locate the Employee Separation Report.
  4. Select Customize to adjust the report parameters and run the report.

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Report Parameters

1StartFirst date to include in the report. 
2EndLast date to include in the report.
3Identify MinorsIf set to Yes, the word 'Minor' appears next to all employees who are under a certain age.
4View optionsSelect, save, edit, or delete a report view.
For more information about these controls, see My Reports: Using My Reports.
5RunGenerate the report.
Select the arrow to Export, Email, or Print the report.

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Report Columns

Legal Entity NameName of the legal entity from which the employee was separated.
Location NameName of the location from which the employee was separated.
Full NameFull name of the employee.
Last NameEmployee's last name, or surname.
First NameEmployee's first name, or given name.
Middle Name
Employee's middle name, if applicable.
Preferred NameEmployee's preferred name, if applicable.
Email AddressEmployee's primary email address.
Phone NumberEmployee's primary phone number.
Birth DateEmployee's date of birth.
Street Line 1Street number and street name of the employee's mailing address.
Street Line 2Building, suite, or unit number of the employee's mailing address, if applicable.
CityCity where the employee's mailing address is located.
StateState or province where the employee's mailing address is located.
Postal CodeZip code or postal code where the employee's mailing address is located.
Employment TypeType of employment, such as full-time  part-time.
Hire DateEmployee's first day of employment.
Separation DateEmployee's last day of employment.
Separation TypeIndicates the terms of the employee's separation. Possible separation types include: Voluntary, Involuntary with cause, or Involuntary without cause.
Date of NoticeDate when the employee gave notice or was notified of the separation.
Separation NotesAdditional comments regarding the separation, if applicable.
Rehire EligibilityIndicates whether the employee would be considered for rehire.

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