Hire Recruiting Module

R365 Hire: Job Templates
Job Templates make it quick and easy to post new Jobs to fill positions that are posted frequently. It is recommende...
R365 Hire: Recruiting Bilingual Candidates
Whether posting Jobs in Spanish or allowing Users to translate Job postings, increase Applicant flow by recruit...
R365 Hire: Job Profile
The Job Profile tracks any actions that correspond to a Job posting, including the amount of Applicants who applied ...
R365 Hire: Job Boards
R365 Hire posts Jobs to multiple Sources so that your Job posting can gain the desired attention. However, enhancing...
Writing a Compelling Company Description
When users describe their organization on the Careers Page, it's important to point to the organization's un...
Indeed Sponsored Jobs Update - April 2022
Indeed recently announced changes to its sponsored jobs functionality coming at the end of April 2022. With this u...
R365 Hire: Indeed Best Practices
Indeed has certain guidelines in place to provide the best possible experience for job seekers. Following these guid...
R365 Hire: Departments Setup
This article reviews how an administrator may connect Departments in R365 Hire to Departments in R365 Payroll. Nav...
R365 HIRE: Populating Employee Records into Workforce
When an Employee is hired in the R365 HIRE Recruiting Portal, an Employee Record is automatically created in Workfor...
R365 Hire: Autopilot Overview and Setup
Autopilot is an add-on feature to R365 Hire's Recruiting module that facilitates communication between Users and...