Accounting FAQs

What is the best way to handle Credit Cards in R365?
There are two options when using Credit Cards in R365. The first option is to create a Vendor account for your Credi...
What options are there to pay bills?
When paying bills in R365, you have the option of creating a manual payment under the 'Vendor' tab, creating...
How do I unreconcile a payment or deposit?
To unreconcile a payment or deposit in R365, you must first make sure that the Bank Reconciliation is unapproved and...
Why didn't my DSS / Sales poll from our POS?
There could be multiple reasons that this happens:  Your internet was down or running very slow.  You were runnin...
Why aren't the numbers on my POS report matching my DSS Journal Entry lines?
You may need to map Sales Accounts and Payment Types in the system. This can be done from the To Do Checklist, which...
What are the best practices for setting up Fiscal Years?
Overall, you want to align your Fiscal Years so that there are no gaps from one year to the next. For Operational Fi...
How do I unreconcile a bank reconciliation?
Bank Reconciliations often need to be unreconciled when a Daily Sales Summary needs to be deleted and re-polled.  ...
How do I unapprove a DSS after running payroll?
Payroll Journal Entries are created to balance out the payroll noted on the Daily Sales Summary. Therefore, after a ...
When should I enter a Beginning Balance transaction?
Beginning Balance transactions transfer remaining balances from your Legacy system to R365 and are mostly entered du...
Why aren't my Bank Rules matching?
User-created Transaction Rules often times do not match properly due to the following reasons:  The Conditions are...