Accounting FAQs

How do I add 1099 historical data to a Vendor?
To add 1099 history (payments from your old system for the current year) to a Vendor, you need to create a Beginning...
How do I inactivate or delete a GL Account?
You can delete a GL Account or mark it as inactive, depending on what works best for your organization; however...
Why don't my Journal Entries include a cash deposit to my Undeposited funds account?
In some cases, your Daily Sales Summary files may include a Total Deposit value of 0.00. The Total Deposit amoun...
What is the difference between 'Subtotal - Disable Entry' and 'Control Account - Prevent Manual Journal Entries'?
On GL account records, you may have noticed two options that seem similar: Subtotal - Disable Entry Control Accou...
How do I map refunds in R365?
Refunds will come in to R365 as both a Sales Account and Payment Type Account from your POS. While R365 cannot provi...
How do I clear out due to/due from accounts?
You can clear out due to/due from accounts with a Bank Transfer from the Legal Entity of one Location to the Legal E...
How does the 'Fiscal and Operational Combined' checkbox impact fiscal year structure and reports?
When the 'Fiscal and Operational Combined' box is checked on the Fiscal Period/Year Setup screen, only one c...
How do I record an expense report?
If an expense report needs to be entered into R365, it can be done in one of four ways:  Reach out to you...
What do I do with Outstanding Sales/Payment Types ?
This article covers working with Outstanding Sales/Payment Types and Open Tickets. This article covers the follo...
How can I determine whether a transaction is part of a closed fiscal period?
When trying to match a transaction in your database to a transaction in the Bank Activity screen, or trying to unapp...